
Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Sam's 2 month well baby check up

Well, we made it to our 0800 Dr. appt. today. We even got there early! Good thing, because when I went to sign Sam in, they said his appt. wasn't showing up in one part of the system or something. Fantastic start...but the ladies were really nice, and figured it out. Then we went back to get Sam weighed/measured/vitals checked. He's 24.5" long, and 11 lbs. 12 oz. He's in the 97th percentile for height, 50th for weight, and 3rd for his head...he has a really small head, apparently!! Anyway, after some stroller traffic jams, we made it into the room to wait for the dr. Josh was EVERYWHERE, and they are very small rooms, especially after you shove a double stroller in next to the exam table and waiting chairs. Anyway, the dr. finally came in, and started peppering me with questions like, "where are his records? How many times was he seen at MUSC? you know you're going to have to pay to get his records sent here, right? you know you're a terrible mom and your kids are probably going to die from neglect, don't you?" OK, so that last one is a little exaggerated, but she seriously made me feel about an inch tall. Apparently I have to cut tomatoes and broccoli out of my diet, so that Sam isn't so gassy (he's gotten much better, btw), and not give him gas drops, since apparently they could make his bowels paralyzed after a couple of years. Like he's going to be using them that long...and I don't believe her anyway, since I've had plenty of other drs. tell me that I SHOULD give them whenever feeding, if he needs them, that it wasn't a problem, don't worry about it. Apparently she just feels that I'm a horrible mother...and there's the little issue of putting Sam on his stomach, and that could kill him, too...especially with the heart issue. Nevermind the fact that he won't sleep on his back or side, so that if I don't put him on his stomach, he'll probably also die from neglect after I pass out from lack of sleep! ARGH!! I hate when doctors make you feel like you're completely deficient as a mother and your kids would be better with pretty much anyone besides you.
Anyway, I didn't have the papers I was supposed to, because no one told me I needed them, and the last time I had a kid, it was with the military hospital, so unless someone tells me, how do I know? Plus, pair that with the stress of the past few days, AJ being gone, and little sleep, and you get me feeling really dumb by the doctor and staff today. Not cool.
Sam got his shots, was pronounced well, and we got some vitamin drops and tylenol for him. He did really well with the shots, despite the lady taking FOREVER to do them. We had to wait 20 min. to be sure he was ok, not having a reaction, then we dosed him with the tylenol and put all of us (all grumpy) in the car to go home. Sam fell asleep while we were waiting for the 20 min. and then again after I woke him up for his meds, slept all the way home, and then after I put him in the swing, again for about an hour. He was wiped out! He did get very whiney and grumpy after I fed him, but I think the tylenol had worn off and he was in a lot of pain. Once that kicked in, he fell asleep, and we took a nap on the couch, where he is still sleeping. Josh also took a nap today (YAY!), but is slightly grumpy now, and I don't feel very good, so I'm really hoping we're not sick. I'm trying to decide if we need to stay home from comm. group tonight, so we don't get others sick...but I REALLY need to drop Josh off and have some time without him...he's been VERY attention-needy and disobedient lately. Anyway, better wrap this up, as I'm sure we've already lost readers by this point!!

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