
Sunday, April 27, 2008

Next installation of our Roman Holiday

OK, so here we've got our Sunday...and a little of Saturday. The pix are more or less in order, so just enjoy and follow the timeline.
View from the top of St. Peter's on Saturday. We ended our tour of the Vatican City with a visit to St. Peter's square and cathedral, and there was a line to go up to the top of the cathedral dome. AJ went, while Josh and I stayed downstairs...over 1000 steps round trip that AJ did. But he had a good time taking lots of pictures from the top.
This is that big white building from the last post.
View of Rome to the south of the church.
Not sure what this is, but AJ though it looked cool.
St. Peter's square
This was on Sunday. We went to this big park in the morning, then after lunch we went walking through the city a little. This was part of a fountain in a square at the bottom of a hill the park was on. Josh with one of the stone lions.
A view of the square with the above fountain in it.
Lunch in the park...there were some boys playing "football" (aka soccer) and he really wanted to play, too, but they were too big.
Josh riding in a car on one of those carousels with all different things on it. He loves cars!
I believe this is a view of the Vatican City and St. Peter's.
In our wandering on Sunday afternoon, we happened upon this "little" fountain called the Trevi Fountain. We weren't heading toward it on purpose, but when we found it, of course we bought a couple of gelatis and sat down to watch all the people and see the fountain. It's HUGE! And very pretty.
This is actually the fountain in front of the Spanish Steps.
The same...
The Spanish Steps from the top
Josh playing in one of the fountains from the square at the top of the page.
Josh getting in other people's pictures in the Piazza Navona (these are from Monday again)
Some building
Tripod Josh...he started doing this Monday morning in the hotel room...silly little boy!
Here are AJ and Josh throwing the coin into the Trevi fountain so they'll go back to Rome. I didn't get down there, but it was for all of us, really...

Josh really enjoyed playing in the water, too!

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