
Wednesday, July 30, 2008

From the prairies to the mountains...

That was our weekend. AJ got a 4 day weekend, so we decided to make the drive to Colorado Springs to visit his grandparents. The drive is about 8-9 hours from Altus. Josh was really good on the drive, and we played peek-a-boo and some other silly Josh games.

Josh really bonded with his Great-Grandpa. They read together, played together, and sang together. They also played trains together.
Aunt Laurel got to come over for dinner one night, and Josh showed her his "Melmo".
One of Josh's favorite things to do was to pull Great-Grandpa over to the stairs, and play with some toys there together.
He also LOVED Great-Grandpa's train set. Grandpa sent one home with us for Josh, and we'll set it up sometime when he gets a little older. Grandpa's set is HUGE and very complex. Very cool...
We also got a chance to visit with our friends, the Guerins while we were there. They live up the mountains in Monument. Josh and Mr. Emile really bonded...they played cars, planes, and Mr. Emile taught Josh to do "Ta-da" with the arms out and the head tilt and foot stomp. I'll try to get it on video and upload it at some point.
He also really enjoyed playing with Mrs. Judy. She told us that Josh's measurement (height) when he turns two, when doubled, should indicate his height when he's full grown. So she tried to measure him with a measuring tape...then I tried to measure him...then Mr. Emile tried to measure him. Finally we settled on around 35" or so. Which means he'll be around 5'10" if he doesn't grow before his birthday in about a month. We'll see. He also really enjoyed pulling the tape out while Judy held the box and he would let it go and it would snap back in. He did this for a looong time!
By the way, we don't just take him out in public with no pants, but he had a messy diaper that leaked through his pants, so we had to take them off.
Josh and Grandpa on the stairs again...I told you it was one of his favorite things!
He also asked to play in Grandpa's truck in the garage. Grandpa taught him how to put the key in, turn the lights on, and everything! So fun!
Family picture on the stairs in Grandma and Grandpa's house. We have one similar to this of just AJ and me before we got married.
All of us.
Josh likes to show his binkies off. See Mom??


The Pences said...

You're pregnant?! You need to email or call me woman. I have the same phone number I've had for like a million years. Here's my email: jessicagail@earthlink.net.

Vonda said...

Oh my word...I'm sure Josh's great Grandparents thoroughly enjoyed spending time with their precious grandson. He is such a doll and lots of fun too! We miss you guys!