
Wednesday, August 13, 2008

I'm an Aunt!

Welcome, Baby Sophia Grace Elam!! We're so excited that she's here safely! Sophia was born by C-section around 1 am Wednesday, 13 August and both Mommy and Baby seem to be doing ok, considering. Jen was induced b/c of preeclampsia early yesterday morning, and seemed to do ok all day, but the baby's heartrate kept dropping occasionally, so they decided to do a C-sec late that night. Sophia spent a few hours in NICU for observation, but brought her to Jenny this morning around 4:30 am. I talked to Jen just a few min. ago, and she sounds tired, but says she's ok, and Sophia was having her hearing tested, and I heard her...strong lungs, too!!

Sophia Grace Elam: 7 lbs. 9 oz., 20.5 inches long...isn't she adorable! I can't wait to meet her!

Sophia with her daddy. I have a feeling she's already got him wrapped around her little finger!

I'll continue to update when I can...Josh and I are flying down there this weekend to meet little Sophia, so hopefully I'll get some more pix to put up...I'm so excited to have a new little niece!!

Congratulations to Jenny and Aaron!

Welcome, Baby Sophia!!

1 comment:

Vonda said...

Oh she's a beauty! Congratulations Aunt Kathy!!!