
Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Samuel Henry Lewton

OK, here's the next set of ultrasound pictures. IT'S A BOY! We're really excited to have a brother for Josh, and we love our name, Sam. He seems to be fairly healthy, and VERY WIGGLY!!

So here are the pictures we were given today...I like the civilian doctors...they give us TONS of pix, rather than one or two, that all look the same. We go back for another ultrasound there in a month, so we'll post more pix then. Enjoy!
Supposedly nose and lips...I don't see it, but let me know if you do!
The "money shot."
A cute little hand peeking out
Maybe he'll be a mime? It looks like he's doing the "box" act!
His arm
His other arm
positioning shot...more or less a profile
another profile...you can see his bones really well in this one
the 3D shot...he wouldn't let her get a straight on shot, he kept putting his hands over his face. I think he looks like he's praying here!
a little foot

Another profile, and you can see his spine really well...I think he's got his arm up by his head again, and you can't see his feet, but he had his legs bent and his legs propped up on the side of my uterus...so funny!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Baby Pictures!

As promised, here's the ultrasound pictures.
I don't know why it's underlining everything I'm typing, but anyway, here's the pix. I went to the dr. at the Naval Hospital, where the AF referred me for my first ultrasound. Apparently they usually do this around week 8-10, so when I couldn't come in till 14-15 weeks, they panicked and decided to just squeeze me in for everything else I needed to get me up to date, decided this that morning, so I wasn't prepared and we were there from 0830 to 1130. Yikes! Thank goodness Josh was good and mostly very patient with me. Of course AJ had to work that morning. So after the ultrasound I did my labs, and after a little wait managed to actually get seen by an actual Dr. I feel like I know everyone there now!

Anyway, everything looks good, and baby measured at 14 wks 1 day on Monday, but the tech said she could be off by as much as 2 weeks, so they kept my due date on the 27 March. We'll see how things progress, but only a few days off, otherwise, so I'm really not worried.
I'll post more pix and news as I get them.

New Baby!Another shot
Yet another profile shot
And the heart beat, 162, normal.

Yay for baby 2!!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Mommy and Josh

These are just some random pix of Josh that were taken the past couple of weeks. No, they're not ultrasound pix of the new baby, but we're having some difficulties getting them scanned and uploaded, so you'll have to be patient, and I'll try to get those up tomorrow.

This is Josh, wearing Daddy's flight cap (old one he gave Josh to play with...he wears it all the time, so cute!) and hugging snoopy...not staged.
This is from a couple of weeks ago when we went to the Isle of Palms beach. Josh had a blast.
Gus was there, too...he was pretty happy about it, but he got sick from drinking all the sea water and from the heat, I think. He would get all excited to go in the water, but as soon as he couldn't touch with his back feet, he'd start slapping the water with his front feet and hyperventilating. So mostly we tried to stay in the shallow water with him.
OK, so Josh has these sippy cups with Elmo, cookie Monster, and Zoe from Sesame Street on them. A few weeks ago he started "feeding" his friends on his cup. Here he is feeding Elmo part of his sandwich. He'd give "Melmo" a bite, and then eat a bite himself. Sometimes he'd share all around to everyone on the cup, but Melmo got the most, since he's Josh's favorite.
Giving Melmo a kiss
Josh and Mommy
We love each other so much! Look at those smiles!