
Thursday, December 25, 2008


OK, so sorry, but there's not going to be any pictures on this post, since my back is hurting, and not only do I need to clean the kitchen and put away food from dinner, but would like to go spend some time with my hubby. So I'm just posting a quick note to say MERRY CHRISTMAS, EVERYONE! Hope everyone had a great day, and joyous blessings from the birthday boy, Jesus! I feel so absolutely blessed to be where we are and for our (growing) family! We missed spending the day with our families in Kingwood today, but really enjoy our time together as a family...and AJ didn't get alerted or anything! YAY! We also invited over another couple who are just moving here and don't know anyone and couldn't get Christmas leave to go see their families. It's nice, being able to be each other's "families"...that's the way it should work in the military, or really anytime you're away from home and need someone to share a fun day with.

I just wanted to leave you with an example of how our little 2-yr.-old is such a reflection of God's love and blessings on us. Last night we let Josh open a present. This is a family tradition in my family, although ours was usually Christmas pj's. I found this book in Barnes and Noble last week and had to get it. It's a board book about the Nativity story, but this one starts out asking the child if he knows why we give presents at Christmas. It explains that it is because it's Jesus' birthday and then tells the Christmas story in simple terms appropriate for a toddler. It then ends up by reiterating the reason we give/get presents at Christmas. Well, anyway, apart from this being a neat book, here's the actual anecdote. Josh ripped off the paper and was looking at the book and opened it to the last page to a picture of the nativity. He immediately, with no prompting, pointed to the baby and said "Baby Jesus." I was so proud of our little boy, and felt so happy and excited that what he saw first wasn't the presents on some of the pages, or anything, but went straight for the reason for this day: Baby Jesus. It kind of amazed me, although I'm not sure why...we've been trying to talk about Baby Jesus lately and explain the story and show him pictures and figurines of the nativity...but it was so sweet, and just melted my heart! Anyway, I just wanted to share that with you...sorry if it was long-winded...I tend to get a little carried away when talking about my boys!

OK, well, once again, Merry Christmas, and may Christ bless you today!

Pictures to follow...b/c once again, I'm waaaaay behind!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Make sure you keep scrolling...

I posted like 4 new posts tonight, b/c AJ was flying and I was bored, plus had all these pix and stuff to post about...so don't miss any!

Thursday, December 4, 2008


A video of Josh "helping" rake the yard. I have another one of he and AJ jumping into the leaves, but it's causing me problems to upload it at the moment, so I'll try again later.


On Wednesday, Dec. 3 AJ turned 28 years old...unfortunately he had a very un-birthday-ish beginning to the day, by starting it with fasting for blood tests for his flight physical, and then working all day. I don't think any of his friends even knew it was his birthday...so sad. I had a dr. appt. (normal checkup for me/Sam) that morning, and everything's fine, normal...no big deal.

But when AJ came home, we had birthday time! I made lasagna for his dinner and a yellow cake with chocolate frosting...a layer cake, even...I was pretty proud of myself! Then we couldn't find candles...I hadn't seen any but the 2 we bought for Josh's birthday since we moved in, but AJ had sworn we had at least a box, maybe more, so I didn't buy any. However, he hid them in a box that I then moved (not knowing it had the hidden candles in it). Anyway, we finally found them and I actually put 28 candles on it, and then made sure we were across the house from the smoke detectors!

Anyway, I hope it turned out well for him...we had fun! I'm so happy to have lived another year with my sweet husband...I love you AJ!!

Here's a video of me singing Happy Birthday...solo...Josh hasn't quite gotten this one down yet. But check out the light and smoke streaming off those candles!!

Picking our Christmas Tree

We went to a cut-your-own tree farm to get our tree this year, even though I knew it meant not getting a Douglas Fir, which has always been my favorite type of Christmas tree. I thought it would be fun to try something new and also to cut our own this year, since AJ probably won't be here next year for Christmas, and I don't know that I'll be able to get a tree by myself.

Anyway, it was lots of fun. These pictures are once again a little backwards, but since it's no big surprise that we end up cutting our tree, I figure it's not ruining anything, really.

Daddy cutting the tree and Josh "helping."
I can't believe he actually kept those gloves on!!

Us in front of our tree. Maybe this will also satisfy all of you who have been wanting a "preggo shot" of me.
Josh next to our tree
Josh trying to balance on a tiny tree stump

First thing Josh did after we got there (after going peepee in his potty in the back of the car)? Found and climbed on a giant tractor! The guys running the farm thought this was pretty funny...he just climbed up in it all by himself!
That's one tractor kiddo!
Hmmm...can't quite seem to reach the pedals...or the steering wheel...or the gear shift...
Josh in the "forest"
Trying to find the perfect tree

Riding with Daddy...this was prompted by Josh finding and playing in a fire ant hill...I think he may have gotten one bite on his hand, but considering he was raking the dirt off it, that's pretty good, I think. Didn't seem to bother him too much.

Anyway, it's sitting in the garage in water, waiting till AJ has time to fix it in its stand and bring it in so we can decorate it...hopefully tomorrow afternoon! We'll post more pix when we get it all up and prettified!

Thanksgiving and Leaves

Once again, can't get it to stop underlining...anyway, here's a picture of Josh talking on the phone to his Daddy in Germany while AJ was on his trip. We really loved those times...!!!

OK, so AJ got back Thanksgiving night, but it was obviously too late to do anything "Thanksgivingy" that day, so we planned to do it on Friday. First we got up semi-early...but didn't make it out of the house till about 0830, and hit some of the sales...we got some decorative things and lights for inside and outside our house. We had fun.

Then, during Josh's nap, AJ and I got the turkey ready and started on stuff for dinner. Josh got up, after a short nap and went to "help" Daddy with the turkey grilling and raking the leaves in the backyard, which is what AJ was doing while I finished the rest of the dinner. So here are some shots from that afternoon and a couple of the dinner stuff.

AJ grilling the turkey...YUMMMM!!
Josh and his rake
Josh NOT raking!The big pile of leaves
Here, Mom, let me help you in!
Daddy flying Josh into the leaves
Daddy and Josh...and Gus
Happy Daddy and Josh faces...like father, like son...happy when flying!

OOhhhh, these leaves tickle!

That was one happy and filthy boy...he had a bath while AJ finished up the leaves before dinner.My pumpkin pie. We also had a chocolate creme pie, rolls, turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, green beans, and gravy. YUM!

It tasted REALLY good!! Josh pretty much only ate dressing...but ate all his dinner a couple of nights later and got some pumpkin pie and loved it! He calls it "punky pie"...he's so cute!

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving...ours was a little late, but still fun!