
Monday, February 23, 2009

The latest Samuel Pics

OK, here are the latest shots of our littlest boy! The ultrasound went ok...he wasn't extremely cooperative with positions, but he didn't squirm too much, either...the appt. went well, we got to meet the Dr. we're now assigned to at MUSC...b/c of Sam's heart issue (still unknown as to what/how serious/if anything's really wrong), they wanted us there for the NICU and Pediatric Cardio staff being on site. No worries, as this sounds like a nice hospital, at least when compared to Landstuhl! Private rooms, shower/bathroom attached, and a couch for AJ to sleep on! I'm pretty excited. So we went through our questions, which were mostly about how the hospital did things during and after labor/delivery, and seems ok...they'll have the NICU staff and (I think) a Peds Cardio specialist there when Sam's born. They'll check him out while they clean him up, and so long as he looks good, we'll be back with each other in the room for recovery. If I've left something important out that you wanted to know, comment and ask me.
Alright, now for the pix. Sam kept trying to hide under the placenta and behind his hands for the 3D shots...so they're not that great. The fuzzy over his lower part of his face is the placenta
still trying to hide...
Not so good at the picture thing this time...will he be the shy one??
This is the best one, I think...you can actually see a little of his face fairly clearly here. I think he has my nose and he actually looks like a baby here, not alienish!
covering his face with his hand...but look at those long fingers!!

Profile shot
his nose and upper lip...he had his hand over his bottom lip or in his mouth...
Apparently our kid has hair!!! I didn't know you could see hair on their heads on an ultrasound!! Where he gets it, I have no idea, but I'm pretty psyched!!
His heartbeat. Strong, about 141 bpm
His leg...the one that he didn't have over his head...!!

They also said my fluid levels looked normal, and they put his weight right now around 6 lbs. 9 oz. He shouldn't gain more than a pound, at the most before he's born, so looks like he'll be a nice middle sized baby...smallish, but not as small as Josh, unless he's born in the next couple of days...I don't look for that to happen!! Anyway, that's the news...any wagers on weight or when he'll be born??? Leave a comment!


OK, this is the fourth picture from the fourth folder that's on my computer currently...we frequently load our pics onto a hard drive, so these are fairly recent...
This is a picture of my beautiful nephew, Josiah Luke Boynton just after he was born. Isn't he precious! And very sleepy! This was probably taken during the drama known as Hurricane Ike, the morning of which Josiah was born! I miss them so much...wish we could see our family more often, especially my sisters and niece and nephew!
Love you, Josiah!!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Push ups with Daddy

These are so cute...I hope Josh isn't too embarrassed when he gets older that he's on here in his underwear...I think he's adorable! Oh, and at the beginning of the first one, when AJ tells him to hold on, watch where he grabs! I love it!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

What the dog does while we're away; Josh and Daddy time; silly Josh pics; 33.5 weeks pregnant with Sam

The dog has decided that when we're gone (sometimes even when I'm home!) he can go into the kitchen and pull things off the counters onto the floor. It started out where he'd pull off plates and mugs and things and just lick them...bibs with crumbs in them, that sort of thing. Understandable, if not a good thing for him to do. So I started trying to keep the kitchen cleaner, and rinse all dishes and put them in the sink if I couldn't wash them or put them in the dishwasher right away. Then the stupid mutt started pulling things out of the sink!! I'm not talking just about the plastic plate and cup seen in the pix below, which he not only took off the counter and licked, but also chewed up. I'm talking my VERY sharp kitchen knife, glasses, mugs, etc. Why does he do this, especially after being punished and told no repeatedly?? Who knows. But now we put him in his kennel when we leave...so sad.

These are some pix of Josh being silly while AJ was gone on his last trip.
This is my favorite!

Josh helping Daddy fly his "bird" which is actually a remote controlled dragon fly

Mowing the lawn and investigating the sprinkler head
Me, pregnant with Sam, 33.5 weeks...taken last Sunday. We've recently found out that the upper right chamber of Sam's heart is still enlarged, and while the Dr. said it may not be serious, he's concerned enough that he wants us to switch hospitals in order to be in the one with the good NICU and the Peds Cardio staff on site, so we don't have to worry about transporting him if there is a problem. No issues at this time with him being born normally or when he wants to be born...in other words, no planned C-sections or anything like that. Just a change of venue and a slew of tests for him when he's born. Fun...poor kid! Please continue to be in prayer for Sam to be healthy when he's born! Thank you!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!

We hope everyone had a great V-day today! We did...
Josh eating Snoopy treats out of his Valentine's bag...before breakfast!
His train card that toots its own little internal horn...he loved it!
A sidewalk chalk set...there's chalk and different holders for it...it's actually pretty cool. We're hoping to try it out soon, as he's pretty anxious to play with it. It was rainy all day today though, so I told him we'd have to wait for the sun to come out...tomorrow, hopefully. Then AJ broke into the song from Annie, and I picked it up, and Josh kept wanting me to sing it, and when I finished, he'd look outside for the sun, didn't see it, so he'd ask me to sing it again!! Funny kid, I think he thought the song might make the sun come back out...it was night, and pitch black at this point.
Opening his present this morning...the dog is the one he picked out in the store a couple of weeks ago...he really really wanted the giant frog, but it was as big as he was, and I didn't think we really needed a giant frog in our house...
Finding the Snoopy treats
OK...this requires some explanation. We were invited to a little Valentine's Party thrown by one of our friends...she has a two year old and a four year old and wanted to do something special for them...and they wanted to do crafts and fun stuff to celebrate. So she decided to decorate the house and have a party. There were two other little girls there, about the same ages as her kids...and Josh and I. It was fun...made me feel a little deficient, but hey, that's ok!
Anyway, the kids got to decorate cookies with frosting and sprinkles...this is Josh finishing up his cookie...he was the messiest one there, as usual...
However, as you can tell from the grin, he had a great time!
Attempting to spread the frosting
They also made little "heart animals" that Anne-Marie had all cut out, labeled, and put in individual baggies for each child. They used double sided tape to stick the wings down...that was an interesting sight! But they all had fun doing it!
Josh loves sit-n-spins currently...here he is playing with theirs...
Craft time
Playing balloons...Josh had no interest in the balloons at all...

He was WAY more into the shiny necklaces! He had all of them around his neck at one point...this is only about half.

We had a lot of fun...thanks Anne-Marie, for having us over to play! After the crafts and cookies we got to play in the backyard, and they have a gravel pit under their swing set...Josh was in heaven! He loves rocks and he scooped them and dumped them and carried them around forever! We don't have pix of that...I had forgotten my camera inside. Sorry!

Anyway, I also forgot to take a picture of my beautiful flowers from my husband...yellow tulips and pink/yellow roses! So sweet! AJ and I kind of took it easy today...we cleaned up the toys and the kitchen, and then kind of vegged all day...caught up on some TV shows that we tape during the week, and I got to have a nap on the couch while he watched a program and Josh had his nap (yes, he actually slept today!!). However, Josh forgot that he was potty trained (more or less) this afternoon...he had to have his pants changed 3 times, plus he knocked over my coke glass at lunch...it wasn't all lovely, but we had a good family day. Great dinner: Steaks that my wonderful husband grilled for us, and baked potatoes and fresh green beans. Chocolate Pie for dessert...yum! It was excellent! And now I'm off to bed...it's already not Valentine's Day anymore, though it was when I started this post!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Josh and Sydney

They're not great pictures, but these kids are NEVER still when they're together! But they have so much fun!

Sydney and Josh, each with a "nite-nite" and doggy

Josh "going nite-nite", and Sydney, NOT!
The two of them playing with their blankets at the top of the stairs
Digging into the toys in Josh's room...Sydney only wanted to play with the pink legos...Josh was very confused by this.
Cute Sydney!
Going up the stairs...Sydney always wants to play in Josh's room

This is how the two of them come down the stairs...so funny! Josh does this by himself, too, and lately has been coming down like this on his stomach...it's like a really bumpy slide!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Josh wants to be just like Daddy!

Josh was helping his daddy pack before this trip...he decided he'd really like to try on some of Daddy's gear while he was at it!

Where'd Josh go?

Silly...the hat goes on your head, not your arm!
Mini me (well, mini AJ...)
Daddy's such an enabler!

Daddy and Josh fun time...who says boys don't play dress up!!