They're not great pictures, but these kids are NEVER still when they're together! But they have so much fun!

Sydney and Josh, each with a "nite-nite" and doggy

Josh "going nite-nite", and Sydney, NOT!

The two of them playing with their blankets at the top of the stairs

Digging into the toys in Josh's room...Sydney only wanted to play with the pink legos...Josh was very confused by this.

Cute Sydney!

Going up the stairs...Sydney always wants to play in Josh's room
This is how the two of them come down the funny! Josh does this by himself, too, and lately has been coming down like this on his's like a really bumpy slide!
Wow, those are some cute kids! Nate said "Oh, yeah, I used to go down stairs like that..." I totally didn't know until a few days ago that you could subscribe to posts, thus receiving notice when things were added. I'm just not smart that way...! But now I know so I'm subscribed and will be viewing more often...! glad you're commenting now! Thanks...and Beth and I used to go down the stairs at the townhouse like this, but Mom would yell at us b/c it wore out our pants...
O.k. Now I'm caught up. Didn't realize it'd been since your Jan. 3rd post that I'd looked at your blog...and Vonda's but I looked at yours first and now have to get caught up on Vonda's. Sooo sorry. Will be better about it in the future. Don't know where my head's been.
Cute pics of the kids. Josh seems to have the hang of the bouncing down the stairs better than Sydney at the moment as he got a few stairs at once and she had them one at a time. Very cute!
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