
Wednesday, August 12, 2009


...(at 4.5 months old)
  • is eating rice cereal mixed with (usually) apple juice/water (he shudders and gags when it's mixed with anything else or the one other kind of juice we've tried, apple-prune)
  • has tried "baby" applesauce...and rejected it, until I mixed a little in his cereal
  • has ONE tooth, and is working on another!
  • can roll over in his bed, but nowhere else (or so he'd have us believe!)
  • chews on EVERYTHING!
  • can give hickeys
  • scoots backwards a lot, and in a circle
  • fell asleep in the pool yesterday and had a nice long nap!
  • talks and coos a LOT
  • loves to be "social", but also loves to just play with his toys
  • still is a night owl...wants to stay up LATE eating
  • still wants to nurse himself to sleep
  • puts his hand/arm over his eyes when he's eating and the light is too bright for him or the fan is blowing air in his face
  • wants to hold on to something (anything) when falling asleep...and hold it next to his face. He's happy to hold on to fingers, shirts, blankets, burp rags, or his binky (though that falls out when he tries to hold on to it, and that makes him unhappy)
  • has a really beautiful smile!
  • is loved by all, even (more or less) his big brother (finally!)


Shannon said...

Aww! It's so neat to hear about his little self and his BIG personality! Wish I could see him for myself...NOW! Can't wait to meet him someday!

Kathy said...

he can't wait either!! When do you get here! j/k, I realize you have a life over there, and too much stuff to be dealing with as it is! Just know you're missed! Oh, and Sam's other tooth will probably be in any day now!