
Thursday, January 28, 2010

Why furniture shopping and 9 month olds don't mix

So the other day we went out looking to replace our couch. We decided to start at a place that has TONS of couches! Well, of course we had to go through and sit on the ones we liked and this was a really BIG store, so it was taking forever. Anyway, I had sat down on a love seat (SUPER CUTE, btw, multi-colored stripes w/ sailboat accent pillows!) to rest, and Sam was being super squirmy and of course wanted to get down and crawl around, so I let him stand holding on to the couch I was sitting on.
There were little plant stand type table things next to us, 4 of them, wrought iron w/ a tile top, really small, sitting a couple feet away. On one of these tables was a plant in a ceramic pot. (I'm sure by now you can see where this is heading...)
I took my eyes off Sam for one second to answer Josh or something, and next thing I knew, I hear a huge crash and Sam's screaming! Then Josh starts wailing...(I think he thought he was in trouble or something...he was REALLY upset! He cried way longer than Sam did, who had fallen down! Crazy...)
Sam had tried to transition b/t the couch and the little tables, fell against the first one, and knocked them all over like dominoes, including the one with a potted plant. The pot, of course, smashed into pieces all over the carpet, the plant went rolling across the floor...it was bad, y'all! So there we are, Sam screaming, Josh screaming, me trying to calm them both at the same time, while AJ's picking up the pieces of the pot and freaking out. I'm sure the people in that store were so happy we'd picked their place to look at furniture! They were really nice, though, wouldn't let us pay for the pot that broke, or anything, and let AJ have a bandaid when he discovered he'd cut his hand when trying to clean up the mess!
Later, we discovered Sam had a SCREW in his mouth, no idea where he picked that up, and by the time we left, we were all exhausted!! Whew! BUT...we found a new couch! AJ went back and bought it the next day (we wanted to make sure it would all fit in our living room), and it's supposed to be delivered on Friday or Saturday!! I'll post pix when we get it all in and set up.

Monday, January 4, 2010

He's lucky he's cute...

Yesterday after Josh's rather short nap, he asked to "wock" w/ me as I fed Sam. When we were all snuggled up together, he was rubbing his eyes, and said, "Mommy, I am not sweepy, I am just putting on my happy eyes. I not want my sad eyes anymore."

That kid is lucky he's so cute...he got out of his bed and into my bed this morning at 0400, and when i woke up and put him back in his bed, he didn't stay, so when I went back in there to put him back in bed, he FREAKED out and SCREAMED bloody murder. I was SO MAD, as his brother had slept all through the night up till then, which he hasn't done in WEEKS, so I got really mad at him and shushed him up reasonably quick, and somehow, Sam didn't wake up! But I got him to stay in bed after that.