
Monday, February 1, 2010

Sam is 10 mos old!

TODAY! And I'm posting on the actual day! I'm proud of myself...especially considering I never did actually post a 9 month one. BAD MOMMY!!

Anyway, took some pix tonight of Sam in his pj's...size 18 mos!! They're still big on him, but not a lot! He's really grown since his 6 month appt!
These pix are backwards, but if you scroll from the bottom up, you'll see that he spies a block on the floor, reaches down to pick it up, grabs it, and proceeds to try to chew on it...unfortunately it's round, so that didn't work too well...

Oooohh...I WANT that!
I finally decided he was moving too much, so I just took a video...sorry it's sideways...
  • is crawling FAST!!
  • is pulling up
  • can stand alone for a second or two before sitting (NOT falling!) down
  • is TEETHING in a serious way
  • can say "mama", "ada" (daddy), "da" (doggie/gus), "uhohoh" (uh oh), "uhuhuh" (eheheh, as in, no don't touch that), sign "all done", "more", "milk" (though he doesn't really do that one much anymore), "hi/byebye"
  • is still nursing
  • still uses binkies
  • still can't find his binky in the bed if he wakes up in the middle of the night
  • still wakes up in the night frequently...stupid teeth...
  • LOVES all cords, computers, buttons, lights, anything electronic
  • LOVES to knock over his brother's block creations
  • loves his brother and doggie!!
  • loves peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, just like his brother
  • loves ice cream
  • can push his cars/trucks along the floor
  • can "walk" using his little walker or the dog food container on wheels, even on the wood floor
  • is very good at falling...he does it A LOT!
  • has very good fine motor skills
  • always wants to eat the BIG piece of food, not the small bite sized pieces Mommy spends so much time and effort creating for him
  • hates lunchmeat
  • can drink out of a sippy cup really well (unless he gets it backwards...but he already knows how to tip it up and stuff...took josh ages to figure that out!)
  • likes to draw on josh's glow doodle and magnadoodle (did i mention his fine motor skills are really good?)
  • is very smart!
  • is very cute!
  • is very manipulative
  • is very very upset if mommy leaves his sight, or sometimes even when he just is not being held by her, even if she's right next to him
  • loves having an audience (just like his brother!)
  • is the sweetest Sam in the world! (in my completely unbiased opinion...)


Shannon said...

Oh Kathy he is just PRECIOUS! And I just can't believe I haven't met him yet. Silly Air Force! That chair looks familiar! ;) Looks like he's done with that now, Mr. Mobility that he is. Alex has been running really well for 2 months now! Eek! Bren wasn't doing that quite yet so Alex is def. keeping me on my toes.

I just love the pic of him with his ginormous smile! How do you ever say, "uhuhuh" to that sweet little face???


Caren said...

I agree with Shannon! Same is adorable. I cant believe its been so long since we've seen you guys...:( Anyways, Happy 10 months to Sam!

Kathy said...

Well, y'all are welcome to come visit ANYTIME!!