
Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Census

So when we filled out the census awhile back, Josh was curious...so we decided to see what his answers to the questions would be. I wrote them down so I could share them!

Age: Josh "I not know....umm...free."
Are you Hispanic: Josh "No. Mommy's."
Are you white: Josh "Well...I have whipe on my pants..."
What race are you: Josh "What's a race?"
Daddy "Who your ancestors are."
Josh "Am I ancestor? I wanna be a car race!"
Do you sometimes live somewhere else: Josh "Ummmm...yeah! At Grandmom and Grandad's house!"

It was hilarious! Though tempted, we did not put his answers on the form.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Birthday Donut Tradition continues...

OK, once again, backwards order. Sorry. But personally, I'm just thrilled I can finally upload pix again!!

OK, so we had a tradition in my family growing up: on your birthday, you get a chocolate donut w/ sprinkles, and a candle in it for breakfast. (As we got older, we sometimes switched to the slightly more healthy birthday bagel!) I LOVE donuts so I wanted to continue this tradition with my own family. So here's Sam's first birthday donut. Scroll down, it's on there, I promise!!

After breakfast, (AJ was already at work), my Dad took the panel off the dishwasher to inspect the leaking part. He fiddled with it, and discovered the probable fix, but we have yet to order the new part and try it out to see if that's actually what's wrong. Anyhoo, I got a few cute pix of the boys "helping" Grandad with the dishwasher.

Birthday donut at last! Fully committed to eating the whole donut and getting as much chocolate frosting on his face as possible for maximum picture cuteness!
Before he committed...
Seriously, Mom?? Can I eat yet??
Grandad holding Sam's hands so he didn't grab the candle flame...he really wanted to. And Big Brother Josh singing Happy Birthday to Sam!
Everyone eagerly watching the candle lighting...even Gus
It looked a little girly b/c they used Easter colored sprinkles.
The fun headband/hat didn't last too long!
More to come...don't want to overwhelm Blogspot when it's actually cooperating!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

12 week photo

Easter Sunday...I'll try to take another one soon. Not much bump going on here in this pic.
I did start feeling Tiger moving around some about a week later (13 wks). Not all the time, but when I eat something cold or sugary, or am sitting really still. Can't wait to find out if it's a Tiger or a Tiger Lilly!!