
Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Census

So when we filled out the census awhile back, Josh was curious...so we decided to see what his answers to the questions would be. I wrote them down so I could share them!

Age: Josh "I not know....umm...free."
Are you Hispanic: Josh "No. Mommy's."
Are you white: Josh "Well...I have whipe on my pants..."
What race are you: Josh "What's a race?"
Daddy "Who your ancestors are."
Josh "Am I ancestor? I wanna be a car race!"
Do you sometimes live somewhere else: Josh "Ummmm...yeah! At Grandmom and Grandad's house!"

It was hilarious! Though tempted, we did not put his answers on the form.


Shannon said...
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Shannon said...

ROFL! Way to go Josh! And you're not alone--Bren wants to be a racecar too! So funny! Thanks for sharing. :)

Rachel L Riley said...

Haha Josh is too funny! You should have submitted his answers :)

Vonda said...

Oh my word...I'm so behind on the NEWS!!! Congratulations on Baby #3! Yeah...so excited for y'all!

Thanks for your comment on my blog and yes we waited for Ella Rose's big bed because we were in transition for almost a year before we were settled. (4 homes in 1 year not to mention the TLF's and hotels too) Oh my word...it was tough enough for us adults to adjust much less my poor 3 year old but she's done FABULOUS so I'm so glad we just waited. We didn't need any more issues than what was already going on! Hee hee!

I can't believe how big your boys are getting, Kathy! And you look great in your baby bump pix!