
Friday, May 28, 2010

Third boy-child...what are we going to do???

So we had our ultrasound this morning. Could not believe when we saw "boy parts" on the monitor, but there he was. Our Tiger is a boy! I'm still coming to terms with the no new baby stuff and no girly, ruffly, pink clothes again, but I know I'll be excited, and not just resigned at some point. I'm excited to meet him, just not looking forward to the next few months with nothing to prepare. I was really hoping to be able to re-do the nursery and get new clothes organized in the dresser and all that. It's ok, though, we love our Tiger!

We still don't have a name for him, though. We haven't been able to agree on a name yet, and I've run out of boy names that I'm just really excited about. So, please, if you have a name you'd like to suggest, we're open!! We'd love to hear what you think! We don't want to repeat letters though, so no "S" or "J" names...and not really wanting to use an "L" name, either. Also, Daniel, Max, Mark, Paul, and a few others are definitely out. They've already been suggested, and turned down...I actually love Daniel and Max, but there are some very cute doggies who already have those names, and we can't use them. My current short list includes Zachariah, but AJ doesn't like it. He does like Zachary, which I'm not a huge fan of...go figure! But neither really sounds like "our" kiddo.

Anyway, here are some pix from the appt. He's perfectly healthy, normal size for his due date, and his heart looks great. He's about 12 oz, and his heart rate was 145 beats per min.
Heart rate
Profile w/ either an arm or leg up there
Same thing
His cute little feet!
nose and mouth to check for cleft palette.
Yay for 4D ultrasounds! He looks like the other two...
He had both feet up by/over his head pretty much the whole appt.
Very flexible little one! Maybe he will be a gymnast or a dancer!
More profile
The first boy pic...I started thinking maybe she saw something else, but if you look at the next pic, you'll be able to tell that there was no way anyone could mistake him for anything but a boy!
Poor Tiger, having his private areas on display! But now we all know for sure!

1 comment:

The Pences said...

Well I'm not giving you my names! Boy names are harder for me, but not because I've already used up ones I like. Also, I keep having trouble with the initials. Last name starting with P is causing a lot of my favorites to not work so well.