
Wednesday, July 7, 2010

So one thing that really bothers me is when people are not just un helpful to mom's with kids, but are downright rude and mean!

We had a CRAZY time leaving on Mon. We had gone to the fireworks at the old Navy base on Sun. night, as it was the 4th, and of course got home late after. So the boys went to bed around 11 pm. AJ and I went to bed around 0130... and woke up for our 0530 flight around 0300! So of course we were exhausted. Got the boys up around 0400 and put them right into the car to go to the airport. AJ dropped me and the boys at the ticket check in... with a TON of bags, car seat, stroller, etc. One of the guys hanging out helped us with the bags, and we went in. My plan was to sit and wait for AJ while wrapping the car seat in some plastic we'd brought with us, but the check in lady had other plans. She yelled at me to get checked in NOW, and NO we couldn't wait for AJ b/c we'd be late for our flight...we were about an hour and 15 min. out at that point. Nevermind that I obviously was already exhausted and stressed out and had a toddler and preschooler who had JUST woken up in a strange place, or that I'd asked her if we could wait for my husband (btw, it's technically illegal to check people in for flights, or their bags, if they're not there w/ their ID's...). So we get a couple of bags up on the scale (the porter really wanted stuff off his cart, and was doing what the lady said, even though I was kind of ignoring them, dealing with kids and carseat) when Josh all of a sudden looks at me with that desperate look and says, "I have to go potty!!!!" Josh had been having a little tummy trouble w/ diarrhea, so I knew we had to get to the bathroom FAST. So I told the lady I really needed to take him to the bathroom, and she just gave me this disgusted look, like, how dare you or your children have bodily functions to take care of! and said, "they're around the corner," and looked away again.

Fine, we'd just leave our stuff and run...which is exactly what we did, and thankfully got there in time! Ran back, and started again w/ the carseat and she's still bugging me about different bags and Sam's crying and Josh is asking questions and jumping around and finally I'd HAD it!! So I looked at the lady and politely (if forcefully) told her, "Look, I really wanted to wait to do this, and I really don't appreciate you pushing me. I have to get a couple of things organized before I can deal with the rest of this, so please let me get them done. Thanks." That did shut her up, and thankfully, AJ arrived a min. or so later. He took care of the bags, while I did the car seat and then wrangled the kids, stroller, and carry on stuff. Oh, I was MAD!!! And very silent. And so was she. But I had been polite and that hadn't gotten her attention, so I had to be forceful to get her attention that I wasn't going to be pushed around. But I feel like I was still polite, too.

Anyway, we got through security just fine, everyone was nice/polite to us, and understood when we took awhile longer than all the business men/women w/ their single carry ons. Got to the terminal before boarding started, and I took Sam to change his diaper, and when I came back out, AJ, Josh, and the stuff were completely gone! I almost panicked for a min. then realized that they must have had to go to the bathroom, too. Turns out Josh did the same thing to AJ as he had to me...and AJ got a small taste of what I'd dealt with that morning! Poor Josh... and AJ!

So then we all got on the plane, it was a good flight, the next flight went fine, except for a small meltdown from Sam b/c he was so tired, but once he finally fell asleep, we all went to sleep, too, and had little naps. It was nice! Got to DFW and the crews and everyone were so nice to us, and talked with the kids and everything, and then Dad was there waiting for us in baggage claim, so it was all fine. But it took all those really nice, kind, patient, and helpful people the rest of the morning to get the bad taste out of my mouth from the first lady I'd dealt with.

Oh, almost forgot this part... we get 3 free bags b/c AJ's active duty traveling on orders, which is great...but we had two more bags and a box besides those... she told me several times that we couldn't have that many b/c he only got 3 free. I said I knew that, but that we would just pay for the others. She in turn told me that it would be over $200!!! For 2 bags and a box!! I asked her how much "normal" passengers were charged for their two allowed bags... $25... OK, there are 3 other passengers here who AREN'T active duty military... "Oh, yeah, I guess we can do it that way..." DUH! Seriously? Come on, if you're going to be a mean awful person who's irritated that we're slow, at least know how to do your job the right way!! I shouldn't have to do it for you!

Anyway. It was a REALLY bad start to the trip, but after the second flight and seeing my dad and then getting to Mamaw's and seeing her and my mom and stuff, we were doing much better. And after some napping (and shopping, for me and my Mom!) for everyone that afternoon, we were doing great! And the rest of the trip has been fine, too...some parts really good, some not so good, but nothing like that first part at 0415 Mon. morning!! I'm thanking God for the rest going soo well!! And even for that experience, b/c it made everything else seem like cake in comparison!!

So we're here in Altus for awhile, and looking forward to our "down time" since AJ will actually have some!! We're going to go try out the pool in a while, maybe this afternoon after the kids' naps. YAY!

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