
Sunday, March 25, 2012

Cautiously calling this a success!

OK, so this is really an update from the last post. I was talking to my lovely big sister, Jenny, the other day, and we started talking about birth order and different attributes of such. I realized later when thinking about some things she'd said that I'd been going about the problem with Sam and bed time all wrong.
So I reevaluated what Sam is all about currently:
  • He responds much better to praise and loving and snuggles than to punishments and anger/harshness
  • He's recently (mostly with the onset of potty training) become VERY independent and wanting to be a Big Boy
  • He more or less idolizes his big brother
So taking these items into consideration, the other night when I put him to bed, he and Tim were VERY wound up, and not settling. So I decided to just leave them for awhile, and go put Josh to bed. When I finished with Josh, I checked on the other two, and sure enough, Sam was out of bed, out of his pj's, and had turned on the light. He had also pulled Tim's pillow through the bars of the crib and was pulling stuffing out the little hole that was in the end of it (I have since replaced it with a non-holey pillow). He said he needed to go potty, and I asked if he wanted his spank for getting out of bed before or after he went potty. Of course, he said after, so I let him do his thing, and when he finished, I spanked him, then waited for him to stop crying. Then I sat him down and we talked about how he made Mommy really sad when he disobeyed. I wanted to be proud of my big boy, like I was of Josh. Josh stays in bed and goes to sleep at night time, and Mommy is so proud of Josh. Mommy wants to be so proud of Sammy, too. So you need to stay in bed and not turn on the light. You need to lie down and be still and quiet, so you and Tim can go to sleep. That will make Mommy and Daddy so proud of our Big Boy!! We want to be proud of you, not sad. Sam really identified with that part, b/c I had a slight (ok... more than slight) emotional day a few days ago, and he now knows that Mommy cries when she gets sad, too.

So after this whole talk, he was still pretty wide awake, but I put him back in bed, turned on the nightlight and scout music, and left him with the reminder to make Mommy proud. I was doing some organizing in my bedroom for awhile, and when I went to check on them about 20 or so min. later, Sam was in bed and the lights were off, though he was still awake. A few min. later AJ got home, and reported that there were no lights on in Sam's room, and we heard no noises, despite that he must have heard AJ coming in. So I was super proud of him, but wasn't sure it would work again. Tonight I did the same speech, more or less, and when I went back in to check on them later, though he'd stripped to his pull-up, he was still in bed, not in Tim's crib, the lights were all still off, etc.!! So I actually changed his pj's, b/c I think he might have been hot, and then reminded him to stay in bed and make us proud, and when I went up awhile ago, he was sound asleep, still with his clothes on, and all lights were off!! So glad! Not sure if it will stick for good, it might stop working after the newness wears off, but I'm hoping that maybe it'll become more of a routine for him to STAY in bed and maybe he won't fall back into his old bad habits.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Musical beds

The little boys were so wound up tonight, that even by 9:30 they were still jumping in their beds and banging the walls and giggling and yelling. Even after me snuggling Sam and singing. Even after 3 rounds of Scout's night time songs.
So I took Tim out and put him to bed in the pack n play in the guest room, where he has his naps. He went right to sleep. I cleaned up the kitchen, sat down and watched a couple of tv shows.
About 11:30, I started getting ready to go to bed. This included (tonight) taking the trash to the curb. So I went upstairs to grab the bathroom trash and found a blaze of light. Sam had turned on his light, played a little, got bored, climbed over the closed baby gate (vertical metal bars, not super easy, though if you're part monkey...), and opened josh's door, turned on the light, pulled out several toys, played awhile (I infer, from observation), then got his pillow and curled up with Josh. All lights still on.
I don't even know what to say. I can't cut out naps, b/c he's so tired and grumpy at nap time, he falls asleep in 2 min! I've tried spanking, cuddling, sitting outside the door and putting him back in bed every time (this technique worked with J at this stage). I even taped over his light switch, since he turns on the overhead every time. It didn't work, obviously. Any suggestions??

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


We've had a couple of days with some snow. It didn't stick around long, but we had some fun!

Aaaaggghhh!! Snow hands!!
Sam kept tipping over into the snow and just lying there... with this slightly pained expression... not sure what that was all about...
Our boot prints in the snow on our front deck.
Snow baby! Notice the tongues in the next few pix... we were trying to catch snow.

Sam didn't love the snow to actually touch him.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

St. Patty's Day

So, I've decided to give up on updating from last year. I'm just starting from now. I might do a post about T's first birthday at some point, but I think that's about it.

Look at my super cute little leprechauns!! True to their kind, they're adorable, yet FULL of mischief!!

Below is my favorite of all three of them... though the silly face ones are pretty cute, too!

Love this one where he's clapping!

Monday, January 9, 2012

New shelves from Ikea

We went to Ikea a few days after Christmas and got some new shelving, one for the front hall, the others for the playroom. AJ let the boys help him put together the front hall one.
I think he did this on a lunch break or something, that's why he's in uniform.
Before getting them put together, the boys had a great time with the boxes!
If you can see the pockmarks on the boxes, they were pounding them with hammers.

Aren't they cute in their stripey footie jammies??
Playing in the play room
Walking around on the boxes
Cutie Mr. Tim in a hand-me-down from his cousin, Micah (and maybe Josiah)!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Aprons and Rockets

Aunt Jenny made aprons for the older two (and Mommy!) for Christmas. We love them!! Super cute and fit great! Thanks, Aunt Jenny!

Handsome Daddy!
Silly J lying on the ground.
Sam shooting rockets off with the pump rocket.
Setting up and playing with the stomp rocket the boys got for Christmas! They completely love these rocket launchers b/c they can do them themselves! (A year later, we need to replace all the fins on all the rockets for the stomp rocket... Sam really enjoyed pulling them all off...sigh).

New ornaments and hats!

One of the girls at our church who helped out in Josh's class made little hats for the 3 boys! What a sweetie! Unfortunately, the other two were pretty small, but Tim's fit great!
Just love the eyes in this one! Loved these outfits!!
Sam with his new ornament that Daddy got him in Germany. It's a hot air balloon. Because Sam LOVES balloons!
Josh got a helicopter, because Josh was/is very into rescue helicopters.
Cute little stripey guy!