
Sunday, January 1, 2012

WHAT??? A NEW Post??

So... it's a new year, and it seems like maybe a good time to try to start blogging again. I kept meaning to get caught up from the last post, but being so busy with three boys and some other stuff (AJ deploying, finding out we were moving, moving cross-country, etc.) I just haven't gotten to it. I've been ignoring it. But now that we're more or less settled, I feel like maybe I can actually get back into the habit. I hate that Tim's life up till now is so not documented on here, and that there's a huge gap with the other boys. Maybe I'll do a post with a mini-catch up??

Anyway, trite as it may be, I'd like to start off the year with my "resolutions." I hate that word, and the thoughts it brings up (I'm going to lose X lbs, etc). However, my resolutions are a little different. And hopefully I'll keep them.

1) Keep growing in my relationship with Christ and my heavenly Father. To do this, I want to keep up with my reading through the Bible (currently in 1 Samuel). I also want to find our "home" church here and get plugged in with a community group and hopefully a good preschool group for the boys.

2) Grow my relationship with my husband. It's so easy to just "coast" in marriage, and then one day you realize how long it's been since you really communicated with your husband. Or at least it seems that way in my life. I really want to start having regular(ish) date nights where we go somewhere we can really talk, not just go to a movie or something. We need to put in some serious work with all the stressors we have day to day on us and our relationship.

3) Spend some serious play/teaching time with all three boys, but Josh in particular. I am so lazy in this area! I keep wanting to get set up to do some little mini-lessons with him to get him ready for K next year, but still haven't done it! Part of it is that I always seem to be so busy with just caring for the boys and AJ and keeping up with house work. Part of it is just me being lazy. I want to make a little spot for him to be able to work at. Still trying to figure out where this will be. I might get a little table and put in his room. Or maybe in the guest room. I don't know. Anyone with ideas on what to do or how to get started or what to start with (another problem I have had getting this going), please please email or comment on this or FB me!! I may or may not use your suggestions, but I'd love to hear them!

So... that's about it. I would like to lose the 15 lbs. I put on during the move, and we'll be joining the YMCA here in order to help the kids use some energy, and me get some work out time in. We're all very excited about this, but it's not a vow I'm making or anything. It would be nice, though...

What are YOUR New Year's resolutions??


Shannon said...

Yeah! Ditto! Well, except for the 15 lbs. part. Add a few...well...several pounds and I'm right there with ya! LOVE your first Resolution!!! Amen! And a big YUP about the dating your man thing! I can't believe how quickly the first 5 yrs. of Bren's life have gone and basically, in 13 yrs.-ish, they'll be gone to college and I don't want to sit there across the table from a virtual "stranger" who's experienced all the same things as I have, but with his own viewpoint that I have no idea about b/c I've never bothered to ask...which happens far too frequently b/c I'm so tapped out from just the care and keeping of the Lau boys (Vin included). Great thing to "RESOLVE" to do to keep up! When I think of New Year's "Resolutions," I think of the RESOLVE that Daniel and Shedrach, Meshach and Abednego had to maintain for DECADES while they lived in Captivity. So I'd rather make "RESOLVE-olutions" than just "resolutions." ;)

Caren said...

Those are great resolutions! I have the same ones, but i just havent written them down :)

The Pences said...

My goals for 2012 are pretty similar to yours!
The very best thing you can do to "prep" Josh for school (and you know this!) is to read with and to him often. Even if that's all you do, he'll be fine!
For us, the dining room table seems to be the best place for Joanna to "work." I can see and help her, but James can't get up there yet. We also have a bar that works similarly well. There are a ton of sites (check Pinterest) for homeschool sorts of activities. One I keep stumbling upon is "I Can Teach My Child" -- that's probably the address, but I'm not sure; you can search it. Have fun!