
Friday, April 4, 2008

Gogurt and moving stress...not necessarily connected!

Ok, so I'm a little stressed out...I just realized yesterday that we're packing out in just over a week!!! I have so much left to do...mostly organizing stuff, but I don't even know where to start! If anyone has any organizational ideas, let me know, please, so I don't pull my hair out!

In other news, I bought a box of Gogurt (yogurt in a tube, for those who don't have kids eating this stuff!) and put them in the freezer and Josh sometimes gets them if he eats his dinner. This is him eating the blue flavor. He wanted to hold it himself, although he couldn't push it up, so after every bite he would hand it to me and I'd do it for him and hand it back. But he seemed to really enjoy it!
I tried him on vanilla ice cream last night...never again! He was on a sugar high for like 2 hours! He didn't go to bed till 10! But I decided that was better than the night before, when I put him to bed something like 6 times before I fell asleep...he ended up sleeping on the floor with the light on, but I was too tired to put him back in bed again. Then he woke up at 0600 and was rattling the gate and flipping the light on and off, so I just let him come sleep with us for a couple of hours. This has never happened, except when we are in a hotel and he's not in his own bed. Then the next morning he ended up sleeping on the floor with the light on again for his nap, but he slept a long time, so I guess he was so tired it didn't bother him! Here's a picture of him asleep on his blankets in front of his bed.
On a separate note, I got this really cute outfit from Old Navy the other day, and so I had to put the pics up...I love this hat!

I think he looks like a "gangsta" in this picture! Or maybe like a tiny "newsie"!!


Caren said...

very cute pictures Kathy. I love the outfit. It will go well in Charleston :) as far as packing goes, throw away anything you dont want to send with your stuff. They will pack the trash :) I miss you. Do you think we'll see each other this summer? Good luck with the packing!

Unknown said...

He's like a preppy gangster. I love it. He can pull it off. Oh, and Caren's right about them packing your trash....so annoying to find random wrappers and plastic bottles in with your dishes and clothes. gross. >P

Vonda said...

Okay I immediately thought little Josh looked like he was ready to play a round of golf. He looks so preppy...I mean he could have pulled off the Master's this last weekend in an outfit like that and I'm sure he would have gotten a lot more press than Tiger Woods could have ever dreamed. What a little man Josh is becoming! We are so gonna miss y'all!

Tonya said...

Hi Guys!
I finally had a chance to look at all the cute pics on your blog. I can't believe how big Josh is getting, he's such a cuttie! I'm not sure where you are in the packing out process, but I hope everything is going well. We're going to miss you guys!