
Thursday, May 1, 2008

An update

Hey, just wanted to let y'all all know what's been going on, even though I haven't finished with Rome yet. Or put up pictures of AJ's fini flight or going away luncheon, or anything!

So we're officially packed out and moved out of our house. AJ handed over the keys and got back our deposit this morning. We're staying on base in some very nice temporary living facilities with the dog and a separate bedroom for Josh. The only bad part is that it's on the third floor and of course only stairs...not a big deal normally, but we have a TON of stuff still and had to drag it all up last night around midnight or something. Plus, Gus is apparently scared of heights...

We have no internet or phone there, so don't count on updates until we get to Kingwood. And no pictures till then either. Sorry!

We still have our Vonage account open, but since we have no internet, we obviously can't get calls right now, so email or our voicemail on the vonage number are the best ways to get in touch with us. We'll have US cell phones when we get back as well, so if I'll probably send out an email with contact numbers later.

OK, that's it for now...see ya on the other side (of the pond, I mean!).

1 comment:

Caren said...

Kathy, I wouldnt put a post up on the blog with contact info. Email it out. If someone doesnt get an email from you, they can email you and request it. That way, you wont get the wrong people getting your numbers, kwim? I'm praying for you guys! Have fun these last couple of days!