
Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Hey there...

So it's been awhile, but we've been busy doing nothing exciting.

We're attempting to get everything ready to close on our house. While we're doing this (long distance, of course!), AJ has done his first simulator checkride, and did fine on it, and has also started his next grad school course, so he has a FULL plate! He's doing pretty well, and we go to the pool every other day or so, which seems to help him relax some. And there's not a lot I can do, other than try to keep the house clean. I say try, because our summer dollar store dishes can't go in the dishwasher, and we have so few of the items that can go in the dishwasher that I end up needing them before we run it, so I just wash all the dishes by hand. This means that I usually end up washing dishes at least 3-4 times a day...and it's never just a couple of plates, it's an entire sinkful...how does that happen???

And then there's our lovely son, who feels the need to dump not just some, but pretty much ALL his toys out not just daily, but at least 3 times a day. Which means we clean them up that many times, b/c otherwise in our tiny living room there's just no place to walk. All in all, I've got the easy end of it, but also the BORING end! I can't wait to have stuff to do again! Places to go and explore, and unpack and decorate and organize and all that fun stuff! Basically, I'm tired of limbo!

OK, so I've also got a few pix to post.
OK, normally I'm not one for random cloud pictures, but when I was driving back to Altus from picking up Josh in Hillsboro, there were just some really pretty clouds...let's face it, there's not much else out there to look at in that part of the world. So I hope they're not too boring...

OK, so we got Josh some Cars underoos (as AJ calls them), and Josh kept begging me to let him wear them. So I told him he would have to go peepee in the potty and let him wear them.
Cute, huh? What I didn't know while taking these pics was that he went over onto the lino to pee...after me asking about every 45 seconds if he wanted to go sit on the potty. Aggravating...

We stopped at a McDonald's in Hillsboro (when I picked Josh up from my Mom) and they had a playground in part of it...it was really cool, but this was as far as Josh could get. The next step upward was too tall for him to climb up. But he had fun playing and making faces and banging on the plastic window on the second step.
Josh level toys
So cute! I really missed him, but he didn't really seem too bothered by the week away from me and 2.5 weeks away from Daddy.
He was TOTALLY excited about the "Melmo" that I found at the KB Toys outlet in Hillsboro. He sleeps with him most nights and kisses and hugs him goodnight, and when he doesn't sleep in Josh's bed, Melmo has his own bucket "bed" that he sleeps in. He also likes to feed Melmo and give him juice from his sippy. So cute! Basically Melmo is his baby!
Sleepy Josh


Caren said...

I cant believe how big he's getting! I know you must be excited about getting into the house and getting settled. Only a couple more weeks! The time will fly by...:)

duchessbelle said...

I hear you about the dishwasher conundrum. Dave and I have all of 3 pots, pretty much are all always in the dishwasher waiting for other assorted cups and plates to fill it up. So most nights of the week dinner becomes whatever can go on a cookie sheet or cereal :)

The Pences said...

Aww... cute Melmo. I love it when Joanna plays with her "babies" -- so cute! We're going to be in Oklahoma on your b-day! Not exactly close to you, though. We're visiting my dad in Edmond the 8th-11th. I guess you'll still be there then -- when do you move?