
Thursday, December 4, 2008


On Wednesday, Dec. 3 AJ turned 28 years old...unfortunately he had a very un-birthday-ish beginning to the day, by starting it with fasting for blood tests for his flight physical, and then working all day. I don't think any of his friends even knew it was his birthday...so sad. I had a dr. appt. (normal checkup for me/Sam) that morning, and everything's fine, normal...no big deal.

But when AJ came home, we had birthday time! I made lasagna for his dinner and a yellow cake with chocolate frosting...a layer cake, even...I was pretty proud of myself! Then we couldn't find candles...I hadn't seen any but the 2 we bought for Josh's birthday since we moved in, but AJ had sworn we had at least a box, maybe more, so I didn't buy any. However, he hid them in a box that I then moved (not knowing it had the hidden candles in it). Anyway, we finally found them and I actually put 28 candles on it, and then made sure we were across the house from the smoke detectors!

Anyway, I hope it turned out well for him...we had fun! I'm so happy to have lived another year with my sweet husband...I love you AJ!!

Here's a video of me singing Happy Birthday...solo...Josh hasn't quite gotten this one down yet. But check out the light and smoke streaming off those candles!!

1 comment:

Vonda said...

Happy Birthday AJ! Hey I know I'm 3 weeks late, but just catching up on blogs because it's been kinda crazy around here.

What a stinker! I can't believe AJ would hide those candles from you, Kathy! How mischievous is that!!! :) Hee hee!