
Monday, February 23, 2009

The latest Samuel Pics

OK, here are the latest shots of our littlest boy! The ultrasound went ok...he wasn't extremely cooperative with positions, but he didn't squirm too much, either...the appt. went well, we got to meet the Dr. we're now assigned to at MUSC...b/c of Sam's heart issue (still unknown as to what/how serious/if anything's really wrong), they wanted us there for the NICU and Pediatric Cardio staff being on site. No worries, as this sounds like a nice hospital, at least when compared to Landstuhl! Private rooms, shower/bathroom attached, and a couch for AJ to sleep on! I'm pretty excited. So we went through our questions, which were mostly about how the hospital did things during and after labor/delivery, and seems ok...they'll have the NICU staff and (I think) a Peds Cardio specialist there when Sam's born. They'll check him out while they clean him up, and so long as he looks good, we'll be back with each other in the room for recovery. If I've left something important out that you wanted to know, comment and ask me.
Alright, now for the pix. Sam kept trying to hide under the placenta and behind his hands for the 3D shots...so they're not that great. The fuzzy over his lower part of his face is the placenta
still trying to hide...
Not so good at the picture thing this time...will he be the shy one??
This is the best one, I think...you can actually see a little of his face fairly clearly here. I think he has my nose and he actually looks like a baby here, not alienish!
covering his face with his hand...but look at those long fingers!!

Profile shot
his nose and upper lip...he had his hand over his bottom lip or in his mouth...
Apparently our kid has hair!!! I didn't know you could see hair on their heads on an ultrasound!! Where he gets it, I have no idea, but I'm pretty psyched!!
His heartbeat. Strong, about 141 bpm
His leg...the one that he didn't have over his head...!!

They also said my fluid levels looked normal, and they put his weight right now around 6 lbs. 9 oz. He shouldn't gain more than a pound, at the most before he's born, so looks like he'll be a nice middle sized baby...smallish, but not as small as Josh, unless he's born in the next couple of days...I don't look for that to happen!! Anyway, that's the news...any wagers on weight or when he'll be born??? Leave a comment!


missyboynton said...

Were you maybe hoping for some comments?!?
IDK, not to be mean or anything, but I don't totally trust their u/s weight estimates -- especially with somewhat "uncooperative" babies! I am only an n of one, but my baby was nearly a pound larger than the u/s said he'd be... but on a positive note, Caleb was a little tiny baby, and they kept saying how big he was...

Thanks for the post!
Will you deliver in a separate room from where you'll stay postpartum?
I wish we could see him when he's first born!!!
Can't wait to meet little Sam. We are praying for him and ya'll! He is a stinking adorable little boy, and he's not even "fully cooked" yet!
Love you!

Kathy said...

Thanks, for that, Missy! I'm really hoping he'll be about Josh's size...I've thought all along that he'll be just a little bigger, but it could just be wishful thinking, too...but I'm carrying pretty much exactly the same, just slightly (very slightly) larger than with Josh...I've actually gained only about 22 lbs. so I'm hoping that also means something???

Anyway...we wish you could be here, too. They have a different room for postpartum recovery, than for birthing, but they're actually making me deliver (even vaginally) in the operating room. This is b/c they have a resuscitation station set up b/t the operating rooms for babies, and they want that available just in case. Not that they'll have to use it, and apparently it's not that far away from the birthing suites, but they'd only have to hand him across a half door, as opposed to walking across a hall or something with him. Good question! I'm not very pleased about this moving into the OR just for delivery, but I don't really get a choice. Oh, well. We'll take video and pix...I know it's not the same...and I know how you feel, trust me!! However, feel free to visit whenever, just give us a head's up. We're going to try to get some leave to come home early/mid May...he won't be too big by then...

Sandy said...

I can't wait to meet him!! As far as the weight thing goes, I have absolutely no idea. I'll guess 7lbs 3 oz?

duchessbelle said...

Hooray, games! I guess 10 days and 8lbs 4oz

Shannon said...

7 lbs. 9 oz. and 5 days early??? I'm pulling for you. Glad to hear you like you're digs--except the O/R. Will they just put you in there when it's time to push and let you do the majority of your laboring in a Birthing Suite with all the "torture chamber" equipment?

The Miller Family said...

Hello Kathy! Wow, i didn't know you were so close to delivery! What is your due date? So happy for you all!!!