
Monday, August 10, 2009

Sam is 4 mos. old!

'Course, he's been 4 mos. for about 10 days now, but I was waiting till he had his 4 mo. check up to post this. His appt. was this morning, with the new pediatrician on the AF base. It was the first time we'd been there, and it was SO much better than his 2 mo. appt. at the Naval Weapons Station (see previous post http://lewtonews.blogspot.com/2009/06/sams-2-month-well-baby-check-up.html). The nurse greeted us at the reception desk, got a sheet for me to fill out, took us straight to a room to weigh Sam and everything, and was so sweet and patient with us, it was like a dream compared to the nightmare at the NWS! She told me there was no rush, and to just take my time, didn't yell at me for not having his records to give to them right then, and after the dr. saw him, she looked up his percentiles for me (the dr. didn't tell me...I had the numbers, but not the percentiles).

The Dr. was very nice, though I wondered how thorough he was...he didn't look in Sam's eyes/ears/mouth, nor in his diaper (they generally check his "undercarriage"). So I'm not entirely sure about that, but at least I didn't get told I was doing everything wrong! He said to give him solid foods at his own pace, as he wanted them and could handle them, and that the pediatric association is apparently now saying that if they can eat/digest it, there's no set procedure or timing to follow. So that's good. He checked his heart, didn't hear anything weird, and reassured me that Sam's atrium being enlarged wasn't too uncommon. Wanted to be sure we had our follow up appt. set up for 6 mos. (which we do). And that was that!

We walked over to immunizations, signed in, got called back. They gave him the oral Rota virus immunization, which he choked on a little, but was otherwise fine with, and then 3 shots, and he cried for about 10 seconds, and then was fine! We had to wait about 15 min. to be sure there was no reaction, and he sat and flirted with the lady across the waiting room, and then fell asleep on the way home! Such a great baby! He's a real trooper! Josh was always pretty good about shots, too...we'll see how he does next year when he has to get his booster shots...ugh...not gonna think about that too hard!

Sam's stats today were: height: 26"; weight: 14 lbs. 7 oz.; head circumfrence: 21" (or thereabouts). That puts him in the 80th percentile for height, 30th for weight and head circ. Not too bad, but not up to Josh's 4 mo. stats I think. I can't find his papers at the moment, but I believe he was similar in length, but more like 15.5 lbs. or so. But Josh had been eating cereal for a month at his 4 mo. check up!

So anyway, below is Sam's photo shoot from the 1st, the day he actually turned 4 mos. old. Enjoy!

Look at those beautiful eyes!!
Big old smile!


Shannon said...

WOW! BIG baby. I measured Bren's head just to compare and he's only at 19.5 inches and he's almost 3!!! Alex is 17.5 or 18.5 depending on whichever measurement was most accurate with him moving around so much. Yay for less stress, boo for not so thorough. It seems to always be a trade-off. Don't like the glaring "you're a bad mom" looks from the boys' new doc here, but like that she's thorough. erg.

The Pences said...

Yay for 4 months! Sam looks so much older/bigger since the last pics I saw of him -- wow! I definitely see both you and AJ in him. Love that smile!

Kathy said...

I may be wrong about the head measurement...I picked the number out of my head that sounded right...can't be, though...I'll look into it and correct it. Thanks for calling my attention to it...Sam definitely does NOT have a big head!

Ashley said...

Yay Sam! Sam looks great, love the big smiles! He looks like such a big guy in the pics.

And Yay for nice people at the doctor's office! I'm pretty happy at Ramstein; Eli's doctor is very nice and takes time to answer any questions we have.