
Sunday, September 20, 2009

Downtown with Nana and Papa

OK, for some reason I can never remember to put the pix in backwards, so they're out of order. Sorry...
When AJ's parents were here a few weeks ago we went downtown for most of a day and here are some pics! from that day. It was lots of fun! Enjoy the pics!
Tuckered out!
Walking next to Battery Park with Papa and Nana
"Look at the boat!"
Pretty pretty house!
So cute
More pretty houses
Josh had so much fun running next to the water!
Watching the waves with Nana
Sam slept through the last half of our outing...good baby!
Watching the waves below. Yes, Josh is biting the railing...and yes, I told him not to...

Me and my hubby!
Me and my big boy
more pretty houses

A sailboat. I like taking pics of sailboats.
One of the beautiful gates in downtown
A pretty lampost
pretty fountain inside a garden. I wish I'd had an SLR for this shot, it would have turned out better.
Another pretty gate

Water Front Park fountain...

Josh loved playing in the water! In this picture he'd found a flip flop on the ground and was using it as a sailboat...
The fountain
Of course Josh picked up some pretty college girls
Did I mention he had a blast??
Sam enjoyed getting out of the stroller and playing, too!

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Great pics, especially liked smiley Sam at the end! Eli still does not like being on his tummy like Sam.