Sam is:
- crawling
- pulling up
- has eaten (in no particular order) peas, green beans, mixed veggies of different sorts, carrots, sweet potatoes, jar and homemade, bananas, jar and "homemade," peaches, apples/applesauce, strawberries, pears, yogurt, plums, grapes (in a mixed fruit jar), squash, butternut and acorn, corn, avacados, oatmeal, rice cereal, and mixed cereal, refried beans, breads of various sorts (he generally still chokes on these, though...), puffs, yogurt melts, cheerios (choked on them, too, so he doesn't get them anymore), and some bites of a cheesy turkey and rice casserole from my mom the other night when he was begging (he didn't get any turkey, just sauce and rice).
- says "hi", "hey", "yay", "didi" (pronounced diedie, meaning Daddy), dada (meaning mommy), and baba (meaning almost anything, including brother).
- can sign more, and knows what the sign for milk means
- is growing more tufts of hair on the top of his head
- has 6 teeth, 4 on top, 2 on bottom, and has puffy places on top where his canines and molars are, and slightly puffy on bottom where the secondary incisors are.
- loves to smile and make people laugh and be silly with him
- crawls around growling all the time
- loves to knock over his brother's block buildings
- loves to chew on things
- is absolutely ADORABLE!!
- LOVES any kind of electronic device, especially laptop computers!
- can move at lightning speed when moving toward laptops that have been unwisely left on the floor w/in reach of a Sam.
- knows his daddy, but thinks he lives in the computer
- wants to eat any "grown up" food in sight, but usually chokes on it
- weighs more than he did, but i have no idea how much

He's such a fun, cute, full-of-personality little boy, and I loveLoveLOVE him!!!
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