
Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Check out the tickers on here!!

Less than 200 days till Tiger's due!
TOMORROW my little Sam will be ONE!!! Can't believe it...!!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Catching up: Playing at Foster's playground

So Josh and I went one afternoon to my old elementary school to play on their playground. There are a few things left from when I went there...but not many! And even the "new" stuff is starting to get so old that it's falling apart. Well, some of it. Josh had a ball!
Excavating...these were still a little large for Josh
But he loved playing and trying to dig up the dirt anyway!
Sliding down the BIG slide
This is something they put in either right as we got there, or the next year, I can't remember...so about 20-21 years ago!! (Wow, I'm old...)
Hey, Mom, I'm posing for you!
He loved swinging from this little bar at the top of the slide!
Climbing up
Firetruck...new...Josh posed for me...isn't he sweet?? What a good fireman!


It's been two days since the last time Sam nursed! He's a big boy now, drinking whole milk out of a sippy cup. I think we're done with nursing...until Tiger gets here, of course...

Monday, March 15, 2010

9 weeks

Hate morning sickness.
No cravings...except to feel like a normal person again.
Hate changing sheets covered in pee right as I wake up.
Need more sleep.
Mint gum helping slightly.
Don't want to clean my house.
Don't want to clear out my cabinets before Wed.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

8 wks pregnant with Tiger

Today is 8 wks. So far I've been moody, exhausted, sick almost all the time, but only thrown up once, and have had cravings for hamburgers, chocolate (normal for me, anyway), and corndogs.

Josh asks about "Tiger" sometimes...he does seem to more or less understand that he'll be getting a human baby, and we're just calling the baby Tiger, but who knows for sure? I was holding a friend's little almost 2 mo. old yesterday, and Josh came and asked very sweetly if the baby was awake (she'd been sleeping). I said yes, and asked if he wanted to see her. He said yes, so I knelt down next to him, and he looked at her, smiled, and said, "Aw, Mommy, it's my sister!" I wonder if he knows something we don't? I'll hope so! Anyway, first ultrasound was supposed to be tomorrow, but I've put if off so we could stay a couple extra days here in AL with AJ. I'll post pix when I have some!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Catching up: Silliness!

Just some random silliness from the boys at Grandmom and Grandad's house. Josh and Sam playing with Grandad...
...or Grandad's computer...
A deep conversation taking place here b/t grandson and grandad
Poor unhappy Sam!
Josh in the tunnel...being silly!
I have a video of this, but blogspot's been really bad about letting me upload video, so I'll try to get it up here sometime.
Maestro Sam
Sam fell asleep like this one day...face between the rails of the crib and the bumper. Funny kid!
No, I didn't let him stay like this...after taking the pix, I rearranged him so he was in a safer and probably more comfortable position.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Sam is 11 mos. old!!

I have no pix to put up for it currently...but will add some when I get back to my house and locate my card reader, which I couldn't find before leaving last week. Whoops, sorry!

Anyway, Sam...
  • is almost weaned (most days only nursing early in the mornings...hate to give this one up!)
  • loves whole milk
  • loves to steal his brother's sippy's and drink whatever is in them
  • LOVES phones, and pretends all kinds of things are phones, holding them up to his ear and saying, "hwo-hwo?" (hello in Samese)
  • can still only sign all done and more...dropped the milk sign long ago and refuses to do any more!
  • waves hello/goodbye to people, esp. girls/women in public! Little charmer! He, of course, accompanies this wave with his cutest grin and gets tons of attention, which drives his big brother NUTS!!
  • can stand by himself sometimes, but not even really wanting to try walking yet. Although, the past couple days he's figured out that Mom/Dad really like it when he tries to stand/lean/step by himself and has decided to "perform" in this manner!
  • has 7 teeth, 4 on top, 3 on bottom
  • loves to unroll toilet paper. A lot!
  • is very curious about the bathroom and toilet, and very upset when we close the door and don't let him in
  • is FIRMLY attached to Mommy...WAY too attached! Freaks out if I walk across the room and someone else is holding him, even if I'm still in sight of him. This is rather obnoxious and makes for lots of screaming (most of it by Sam)
  • can climb stairs
  • can climb the stroller step, back seat, and stand on the seat (found this out today!)
  • likes being naked, and LOVES playing in water!!! Should be an interesting Summer!
  • thinks my watch is a phone and everytime he sees it, he points and bangs on it, while saying, "Mama (or dada, whichever he feels is appropriate...both for me), hwo-hwo? hwo-hwo?" He continues this, mixing in some crying for good measure, until I take my watch off and hand it to him, whereupon he immediately pushes the buttons, then places it up to his ear and says, "hwo-hwo?"
  • gets VERY upset while I'm talking on the cell phone (or any phone) if I don't let him hold it. Which I don't, b/c I'm talking, so there's usually lots of screaming then, too...notice a trend, here?
  • can now un-velcro his shoes and get them off his feet
  • hates being left out of anything!
  • idolizes his big brother!
  • steals his brother's food/toys/etc.
  • is definitely what I'd call a speed crawler
  • hates hats/hoods
  • loves to feel skin. Like, obsessively. Especially belly buttons. He really likes belly buttons, and is curious about everyone's!
  • loves to get his teeth brushed
  • when he drinks out of a sippy, half the time he'll tip it all the way upside down, sometimes resulting in him knocking himself over if he's not being supported in the back
  • loves Gus. A lot. Calls him either Dat or GaGa
  • says Mama, Dada, da (I think this means Josh), dat (doggie), ah (open your mouth and let me probe inside with my fingers...this usually results in him saying ah and opening his mouth, as well), hwo-hwo (hello or phone--applies to anything with buttons, pretty much), baba (bye-bye), bwabwabwa (not sure, but I think it means anything he doesn't know how to say), nana (no), eh-eh-eh (also means no), eh-eh (uh-oh)
  • that's all I can think of right now
So there you go, plenty to paint you a great pic of our not-so-little Sam! (I will still try to remember to post pix, though!) He's a great little guy, except when he's tired/hungry and screams non stop. He has a very fun personality, though, and even his big brother loves him! They have so much fun together! Josh always wants to dress like Sam, and do anything Sam does that's cute...we have to remind him that there's LOTS of things he can do that Sam can't, b/c Josh is a big boy...sometimes it works, sometimes not.

Sam will have some tests (EKG and more echoes) next month after his birthday, so we'll see how his heart is looking at that point, but he's certainly growing on the outside! He's really had a pretty dramatic growth spurt since this fall, and is now almost out of his 12 mo. stuff!! I can't wait to see when he starts walking and what he learns to say next! This is such an exciting time of his life, and so much fun to see his brain soaking up everything! Such a cutie, and SO smart! Sometimes too smart...

Less than a month till he's a year old...how did that happen???