
Friday, May 7, 2010

Kids' names

OK, this is for Jessica...you want to know about my kids and how they got their names, and I think that's a pretty cool idea, so I'm gonna do it, too.

Joshua William:
Well, I've always loved the name Joshua, despite its popularity. I love the Biblical stories about Joshua, and how strong he is as a leader of God's people, and I pray that same spirit will be evident in our Joshua. It's also AJ's middle name, so that was nice, too...not a huge fan of "juniors", but this was kinda the same concept w/o being that.
William was AJ's choice. It's a family name, both on his mom and dad's side. On his mom's side is apparently William Barret Travis, and his Grandpa on his Dad's side can trace their family back to Kaiser Wilhelm I...I believe his sister's branch (the kaiser's).

So anyway, we had Joshua William, which is a classic sounding name, and very "male". I'm like Jessica, I'm a fan of definite gender names.

Samuel Henry:
We didn't have a new "boy" name picked originally...took some brainstorming on our part. We came up with Henry pretty quickly, actually AJ did, but I liked it right away, partly because it's my Grandaddy's name, but I also just like old fashioned type names. Samuel took us awhile longer...but one night I was lying there thinking about things, and it popped in my head, and I decided I loved it! We had been studying Samuel in our Bible study class, and that's probably why it popped in my head, but I loved having another strong Bible name for our son, and it sounded really cute with Henry. Come to find out, apparently my great grandfather (my Papaw's father) was named Samuel, too, so it's also a family name. Plus I think Sam is just about the cutest boy name ever! I love it! Which is good, huh? Since my kid's named that...

Well...we don't have any for sure yet, we're waiting to see what gender the ultrasound tech happens to see in a couple weeks, but we do have some contenders. I'll share them, since we're not secretive about names, like SOME people I know (Jessica!! lol, just kidding).
For a boy we've discussed Thomas as the first name, with James or Eugene as middle names...Thomas for my Papaw (Tommie) and James is AJ's dad and Eugene is his middle name, named for his Dad, Gene. We've tossed around others, but that's the strongest candidate for now. We haven't been doing a lot of brain storming lately, since we're so close to finding out what Tiger is. Plus we've been busy, and AJ's gone currently.
For a girl, we've thought about several...many more options for that gender, as we don't have any yet! Gwendolynn is the top of my list currently, but switches places regularly with Margaret and Kaelynn, with Ruth and Aisling as middle names. I'm trying so hard not to get my hopes up for a girl that I've been trying not to dwell on it too much either way. With both the boys I knew they were boys...with Sam I even had a dream about him, that he had brown hair and everything! Kinda weird, but w/ Tiger, I've felt that it's a girl some, and then immediately doubt everything, and back peddle so as not to get my hopes up. We'll welcome and be excited by either boy or girl, but let's face it, we're both hoping for a girl...and so is Josh, he really wants a sister! We'll see (hopefully, if Tiger cooperates) on May 28th, and we'll figure out a name from there. Only bad thing about if it's a girl: What will we name her? I've got about 18 names that I love, and there's only one child in here!! LOL! We'll figure it out!

Anyway, that's the story of our kids' names.

1 comment:

The Pences said...

I won't tell you which ones :) but some of your names are on my list, too. Girls and boys. Thanks for playing along!