
Thursday, July 15, 2010


So here it is. 0333. That's 3:33 in the morning for those who don't speak military time. And I'm awake. Wanna know why?? B/c I'm pregnant. And can't remember to do things like pick up heartburn medicine. And can't be bothered to go get the right one, when her husband picks up too high a dosage by accident.

So here I sit, in our hotel bathroom, b/c that's the only place here to go in the middle of the night that's not disturbing someone who's sleeping. And I'm really irritated with myself.

Oh, and I have a zillion mosquito bites that have all decided that since I'm awake at 3 in the morning, they should all make themselves felt with a vengeance. AND Tiger's now awake, too, and making it known that he wants to play. And stretch.

I will be happy to not be pregnant anymore, for SO many reasons, but the ones in this post (minus the mosquito bites, since they're not really pregnancy related, just stupid Altus related) are some of the worst. Of course, the heartburn is usually ok, if I take my meds...


This could be a really circular post, esp. since I'm really tired and wishing I could be sleeping peacefully in my bed. MY bed, not the hard, lumpy old mattress here in our hotel. Oh well.

I doubt anyone is reading this anyway, but if you are, thanks for listening to my whining. Wish it made the heartburn go away...

UPDATE: I made it through the night! LOL! After I finished on the computer (around 0415?? not too sure...) I went back and stacked up my pillows (all 2 of them!) and wedged my jacket under Tiger and managed to get back to sleep. Thank goodness! And feel much better this morning, and hopefully AJ just got back w/ some meds for me... as well as DONUTS!!! YAY!!

1 comment:

Caren said...

Honey, I hope you are fast asleep now :( I'm sorry the heartburn was so bad. I hope its better now. I love you!