
Friday, March 23, 2012

Musical beds

The little boys were so wound up tonight, that even by 9:30 they were still jumping in their beds and banging the walls and giggling and yelling. Even after me snuggling Sam and singing. Even after 3 rounds of Scout's night time songs.
So I took Tim out and put him to bed in the pack n play in the guest room, where he has his naps. He went right to sleep. I cleaned up the kitchen, sat down and watched a couple of tv shows.
About 11:30, I started getting ready to go to bed. This included (tonight) taking the trash to the curb. So I went upstairs to grab the bathroom trash and found a blaze of light. Sam had turned on his light, played a little, got bored, climbed over the closed baby gate (vertical metal bars, not super easy, though if you're part monkey...), and opened josh's door, turned on the light, pulled out several toys, played awhile (I infer, from observation), then got his pillow and curled up with Josh. All lights still on.
I don't even know what to say. I can't cut out naps, b/c he's so tired and grumpy at nap time, he falls asleep in 2 min! I've tried spanking, cuddling, sitting outside the door and putting him back in bed every time (this technique worked with J at this stage). I even taped over his light switch, since he turns on the overhead every time. It didn't work, obviously. Any suggestions??

1 comment:

The Pences said...

I'm not sure I have anything useful, but I'll brainstorm for you. :) Since you can't cut out his nap, could you make it shorter? I know for us that would probably make for a very long, grumpy afternoon, but...
You could take the bulbs out of the lights, but that might make your life miserable during the day. Might be worth it though. I hope it's a phase that passes quickly! Also, would Josh and Tim do okay in a room together? I'm pondering that particular grouping myself, since Joanna can sleep through anything. We're doing the musical beds thing around here too. :)