
Sunday, March 30, 2008

Josh at the airport

So I was looking through some stuff in my email and had forgotten about these pictures. Mom took them when we dropped her off at the airport.
Josh really enjoyed helping Grandmom push her bags on the luggage cart

There was this little area for kids with all these coin operated vehicle-type things that we let Josh play on. He really enjoyed himself and screamed when we had to leave. But here's our family pic on the motorcycle.

And Josh in the bus with Goofy.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

More Easter Pix

Hope you enjoy these last few Easter pictures.!
Family photo
Josh, ducky, doggy, and Mama's hand
Josh NOT being still...at all!! He was so hyper that night!!! Too many jellow jelly beans! I finally got him to sit still-ish on the step stool in the bathroom while I was running his bath.

After the egg hunt he still wanted to play this new and wonderful game, and so AJ "hid" some around the living room...Josh picked some up and then decided to put the basket on his head...this was apparently HILARIOUS to him, as he kept doing it over and over!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


You know, I like to post about my life and my hubby and kid and stuff...but it's nice to get the comments, too...so think about leaving one...I like to hear from you, too!!

Josh is better and stats on his Well-Baby checkup

So Josh seems to be feeling better. After his nap, he woke up telling he he was starving, and apparantly he was, b/c he's still eating! He's eaten an entire peanut butter and jelly sandwich, a handful of cheezits, and some teddy grahams! So I guess he's better now. Although messy...peanut butter and jelly all over the outfit.

On another note, Josh had his 18 month well-baby check up yesterday morning. He's apparently healthy, except for the whole throwing up thing...anyway, he's good, has all his teeth, except the two-year molars. Eyes, ears, heart, everything looks good apparently. He is 34 inches tall (90th percentile), 26+ lbs. (50-75th percentile). He's a big boy! He's potty training, sleeping in a toddler bed (which means I have to put him back in bed every few minutes till he passes out from exhaustion), and climbs everything. He has to go back in a day or two to get the rest of his shots. Yay...

Here's some shots of Josh doing his Easter egg hunt in the backyard on Sunday.

Sick Josh

So Josh woke up fussing this morning, very unusual, and came and got in bed with me and dozed on and off for a few min. When we went downstairs, he laid on the floor and fell asleep for a few minutes, and then everytime he would lie down or lean on something, he fell asleep. After awhile, he decided he was hungry, but couldn't get more than a few steps before wanting to lie down, so I picked him up and put him in his high chair and fed him some rice crispies with milk...about halfway through, he threw up everything I'd fed him, and I stripped him down, put him in the bath, where he was shivering uncontrollably, washed him off real quick, then got him dressed (under protest...he didn't want to get dressed) and we went back downstairs where I put him on the couch and he kind of just vegged for awhile. Then he seemed to get his second wind, and he ate some teddy grahams and got down and has been more like normal Josh and playing and stuff. So I think he's ok now. Here's some pix I snapped of him asleep on the floor.

Monday, March 24, 2008

I'm dreaming of a white Easter...

OK, so first of all, I have no idea why this is underlining everything I'm typing. Second, this is one of the longest posts I've ever done...not sure if it beats the pottery one or not. Anyway, here's what we saw when we woke up on Easter morning. Lots of snow! It actually snowed all morning while we were at church!

Our Easter baskets
Josh's Easter basket
Josh looooves his duck!
Kissing the ducky
Kissing Daddy
Josh in his Easter outfit...it was too cold for him to wear the adorable plaid short pants, unfortunately.
Cute Josh

Drinking his sippy
Our beautiful colored eggs
My pretty emu egg
Josh dancing
Breakin' it down!
He's a natural
Dyeing the eggs....Josh's first one was yellow
Daddy showing him the egg in the dye
Egg dyeing

Josh's pretty pink egg...he picked the color and the lady bug "tattoo" on it
Just some cute pix of Josh wearing one of my hats and being silly

Isn't he ADORABLE!!!

Thursday, March 20, 2008


OK, so this will be just some random pictures, plus a few I took today...the day that Josh first slept in his toddler bed! This is just his crib with the side taken off and the little rail on it instead, but it was pretty exciting...he figured out he could get out pretty quickly, and when I put him down for his nap this morning, I had to put him back in bed several times, but he finally went to sleep in bed. However I did take a picture of what I found when I went in after a few min. leaving him alone. So he's officially a big boy now...sleeping in a toddler bed, going peepee in the potty.
The new bed...well, the crib-turned-toddler bed, and the crash pad for if he falls out of bed.
Josh in his new bed

This is what I found when coming in after leaving in his bed for awhile.

Here's some other pix from the last couple of weeks:
Josh and Brennan in the bath together...they both LOVE splashing!
Happy water babies
"Tickle, tickle!"
Opening Easter presents from Grandmom and Granddad
He got a dinosaur plate and bowl...he loved to put the little airplanes he also got from then in the bowl and carry them around.
This is the plastic bag that the dog's bed came in...he picked it up and wanted to put it on...loved it! He kept wandering around in it and peering out.
Gus waiting under the table for Josh to feed him something.
Cute begging doggie

So one day last week I came up to get Josh from his nap, and here's what I found...not sure how he got the one arm out of the pj's...they were still zipped and everything. The thing on his arm is a superman tattoo...he has two now. He found another one the other day and brought it to me and begged until I put it on him. Funny boy!
Chillin' with his feet up.