
Saturday, March 1, 2008

Grandmom is here!

So Mom (Grandmom) got here today! We went and picked her up at the Frankfurt airport this morning...that was an adventure!
So we left around 8, and we knew there was supposed to be LOTS of wind, but it was also raining...sideways! So we start going, and we stopped at a bakery in the next town to get breakfast...so far, so good. Then we get back on the road...it starts raining harder and the wind is still CRAZY! Then it starts hailing...then it starts hailing harder! By the time we got to the next town, which is kind of up on a hill, the temp had dropped so far that all the windows instantly fogged over, and the ground was WHITE...covered in frozen slush, and the car started swerving even more, b/c with the strong winds and the ice, it was just nuts!!! So we finally get mostly defogged, but it's still NASTY and pretty much everyone else has pulled off the road to wait it out. We kept driving. Eventually we got out of the hail, then out of the rain, then past the icy roads...luckily, since everyone else had pulled off, there was pretty much no traffic, and by the time we got almost to the airport, we were only having clouds and wind. And amazingly enough, we were not that late! We were parked and in the airport waiting by 0945, and Mom came out about 10-15 min. later. Josh wasn't sure what to make of her, but he had a lot of fun pushing her baggage cart! There was even a little handle on the bottom at his height for him to hold on to! On our way home, it was still crazy windy, but sunny...only in Germany!
Now it's still super windy, and cloudy again...oh, well. This wind storm is named (yes, it was bad enough to have a name!) Emma. It's pretty much over, but is still windy. But at least this time they didn't have to ground all flights in Europe for two days, like the last one!
Well, that's it for now. I'll try to post pictures in a couple of days.

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