
Saturday, October 3, 2009

Josh is 3!

Well, he turned 3 almost a month ago, but his check up was later in the month, and I've just now gotten around to actually downloading these pix.
Anyway, Josh weighs 35.5 lbs, and measures 37.5" tall. (I think he might actually have another 1/2 inch, but he wasn't too clear on the concept of putting his heels against the wall and standing up really straight when the nurse put the measuring thingy on his head)
He's healthy, and, according to the growth chart I just looked up online, he looks like he's about 75 %ile for height, and 10th for weight, though that doesn't really seem right...I might be reading it wrong.

Things Josh can do:
  • set the table
  • pee in the potty...he very rarely has an accident of any sort...but refuses to poop in the potty, just waits for a diaper/pull up mostly. We're working on it, but if anyone has any great ideas for us, we're open for suggestions!!
  • sing several songs (Twinkle Little Star, ABC's, etc), including his own that he likes to make up on a daily basis
  • loves to do "art"
  • is learning his letters and knows how to count reliably up to 13 or so...and with help can count to 20. He can also count to 5 in spanish, german, and french (with help, of course)
  • plays pretend all the time...and is VERY imaginative!!
  • likes his brother a lot more now, and can be very helpful with him
  • feeds the dog and lets him in and out every day
  • still won't eat vegetables (mostly), and is still iffy on meat of any kind, but will now eat ham and cheese sandwiches (I think that's Sydney's doing...she eats them, and Josh LOVES Sydney!)
  • Speaking of Sydney...he's so cute with her, and very protective. When she cries or gets hurt he tries to help her and tells her, "It's OK, Sydney"
  • Loves Dora, Diego, Little Einsteins, and Charlie and Lola
  • misses his Daddy very much, and likes to wave out the window to him when he goes to bed. AJ told him, before he left, that Josh's windows are to the east, and that Daddy was going to be in the East, so if he waved out his window, Daddy could wave back. It's very cute, and a little sad.
  • has a HUGE vocabulary and uses words like "frustrated" and phrases like "not quite yet" correctly
I love my sweet big boy, and can't wait to see how he grows and develops even more through his next year!

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Eek! Took Bren & Alex to get their flu shots and Bren was 35.6 lbs. ALREADY! He's got an ounce on Josh but I don't think he's got the height to match. He has been eating better lately so yipes! Josh is such a hoot even if he is "difficult" at times. They all are to be sure! But so can we as Moms I suppose to them. For Bren's part, he's just the past 2 days been speaking non-stop but of course doesn't have the pronunciation behind it so it's difficult to understand but even with that he's coming up with some pretty funny stuff so I KNOW his imagination is at play and I'm glad for it. LOVE the pics of Josh dressing up his Grandma! Too CUTE! Bren's latest is to pretend we're all going to bed after we put Alex down for the night and Papa, Mamma and Bren all get blankies and pillows and we all have to snore. Bren starts it off with his little snore and then Mamma and Papa are to follow suit and snore really loudly and then we all giggle b/c of how funny we sound. "Near 3" and "3" is GREAT! Frustrating for sure, but GREAT!