
Wednesday, October 7, 2009

My Little Cowboys

The other night I put the boys both in jeans and their "western" shirts and cowboy boots for church, and we had a photo shoot on the stairs after we got home. I think they turned out really cute!
Aww...cute little boy behinds!
Cheesy little boy!
He got so excited, he was jumping up and down when I took this picture!
Being silly
The slightly more stationary one...love that smile!
"Look at the camera, Sam! Right there!"
One of the only ones where both are looking at the camera and at least sort of smiling.
Boots and Jeans
One of the best!
Josh just doesn't get the concept of "natural" smiles in pictures! But they're still awfully cute, aren't they??


Shannon said...

Love the "look-at-our-butts" pics! Didn't know Sam could basically STAND already! Wow! I hate, Hate, HATE that Sam will be able to tell me how frustrated HE is before I'll see HIM for the first time at this rate! Alex is still in full baby-babble mode but is leagues ahead of where Bren was at this stage. He does mimick but doesn't exactly have real "words" yet. He'll copy me and then resort to his own gibberish as if I should know what he's saying. And it's hilarious because of the expressions on his face and inflection he uses like he's saying, "And then the ball rolled across the floor. Can you believe THAT? Amazing!" So cute!

missyboynton said...

Oh my goodness! What cute little cowboys! I love the boots and jeans. Your boys are so photogenic, even with the cheesy smiles...!

missyboynton said...

Oh my goodness! What cute little cowboys! I love the boots and jeans. Your boys are so photogenic, even with the cheesy smiles...!