
Monday, September 27, 2010

37 week Tiger Appointment

Sorry, no pix again... I should have maybe taken some of the new Naval Health Care Center (or whatever it's called), but was running late and very lost, so I didn't.

Anyway. I got to go by myself, no kids, thanks to my new friend Crystal Cantrell! She was awesome and agreed pretty last minute to watch the boys for me! YAY!

So I had gotten my windshield sticker on Tues. while the boys were at school (yet another wasted morning, as I found out that a few days later, due to the HUGE amt. of people needing said stickers just for the clinic, they decided to make it N/A for people who are only going there to have them and not going to the NWS for any other reason... that would be me... sigh...), and managed to get them stuck on the windshield in the more or less correct place before going through the gate. Woohoo! I was "on time" at this point... till I walked in and couldn't find signs anywhere to the OB clinic. Some nice sailors were standing around, so I asked one if there was a map, which he got for me (fairly useless, since it was confusing, complicated, and had a lot of stuff on it that wasn't built/ready yet... plus I'm HORRIBLE at reading maps!) and then took me upstairs to the "Women's Health" part himself... very sweet, and I think that was the main purpose of him and some others that looked like him being there.

Check in, and they say, have you been to the lab... routine question, to which I can normally answer Yes, but since I had NO CLUE where the lab was, or if they were still doing things that way, I had to say NO and go back downstairs and wander awhile before finding the lab for my urinalysis. Found my way back up to OB w/o too much trouble, and waited... and waited... for an hour... finally got called back, sat in a room and waited... and waited... for a half hour, b/c they forgot about me!! ERG!!

At least the midwife was nice and very apologetic about it when she came in... the staff was still all confused and settling in apparently, and just forgot I was in the room... or something...

At any rate, she did his heartrate (144-146, normal), measured me (normal), felt around on him a bit and commented that I was "all baby" which to me sounds an awful lot like, "Holy cow, that's a big baby in there!" I'm hoping I'm wrong...

After this she kind of got distracted and was watching my belly... kind of weird, but then she said, "Can you see him 'breathing?'" WHAT?? I didn't realize babies "breathed" before they were born, and certainly never thought you'd be able to SEE it! But apparently the last couple of weeks they start practicing breathing motions, but are not actually circulating oxygen or anything through their lungs. And as she explained this and I, too, lay watching my belly, I could see him breathe!! SO COOL!!

Anyway, I asked her to check me, since AJ was being pressured to go on a trip this week (no longer happening, b/c the short "keeper" mission he had been asked about first, turned into an open ended mission and that's not the sort of thing that's a great idea this close to Tim being born, probably), but I wanted to know what to tell him in terms of what she thought about Tiger being born soon/later and stuff. I was about 40% effaced and a "fingertip" dilated, but of course, like my other two stubborn sons, still WAY up high... my kids never "drop" till I'm actually in labor, and in Sam's case, sometimes declare their stubbornness and independence and willfulness by moving UP during labor... sigh... but at least there's some sort of preparation going on there, so maybe he'll be just a teensy bit early! Not TOO early, I still have stuff to get done, and would really like that October birthday, but other than that...

But on that front, I'm feeling much more ready, now that Josh's party is over and was a huge hit, and the house is almost clean... still need a couple more days to finish up baby laundry and cleaning out the guest room, and would really like to get the rest of the windows cleaned and some more "detail" type things done, but other than that, I'm feeling pretty ready!

Come on, Tim!! We're ready to meet you!!

1 comment:

The Pences said...

I say "all baby" means, "Wow woman you are really in shape, not having put on extra pounds of junkiness like your friend Jessica." :)