
Thursday, September 30, 2010

(Almost) 38 week Tiger check up

So once again, I sat in the waiting room at the NWS health clinic for over an hour... stupid walk in appointments... there's nothing else available on a weekly basis, though... erg. Anyway, they told me that she would check me, so take off my bottoms, and she'd be in shortly... someone did come in, asked where my chart was, like I knew, and then left to "find it". About 40 min. later the midwife FINALLY came in and got things started... sheesh!

So she measured me, and I'm measuring right at 38 cm which is exactly on track, my blood pressure is still great, no issues with that, no swelling or weirdness. She did his heart beat, but he really wasn't thrilled with that... kept rolling away from her! But his heart rate went up w/ movement so that's good, too. She also checked me, and I've progressed in the last week to two cm dilated, and about 60% effaced, and he's also (yay!!) moved down from almost too high to place in a "station" to -1 station, so that's definitely good, and also not in keeping w/ the other two boys at all. They were both way high till I started pushing pretty much.

I've also been having some off and on contractions, nothing that's lasted or been something I could really measure as consistent at all, but definitely doing what they're supposed to I guess, and getting us ready for Tim being born. So also good. Whether this means we still have 2 weeks or that he'll be born in the next few hours or days, I have NO clue. Josh was so text book and consistent once things started, and Sam was so NOT text book and refused to get in position even after they started pitocin and things were moving along w/ everything else, until HE decided he was ready, and then he came FAST.

Both situations were COMPLETELY different, and I have no idea what to expect from Tim at all! Which is kind of exciting, and kind of frustrating. But we have no real plans for the next couple of weeks really, and have all the really important things done that needed to get done, and while I'm certainly not what I'd term comfortable, I'm not in lots of pain or super UNcomfortable, either, so I'm more or less content to just wait on God's timing for us. I do tend to think he'll be here before his due date, b/c of how things are progressing, but I'm not willing to bet on anything, especially after Sam!

I will say, though, that after some pretty intense contractions last night, that I now have my bag more or less packed, Tim's bag more or less packed, and a list of instructions for whoever ends up watching the kids/house/dog!! AND got the car seat unpacked from it's box and de-tagged. So now we are pretty much ready whenever he comes!

1 comment:

Caren said...

Yay! I'm so glad things are progressing! Thanks for the update! I'm praying for a smooth and quick delivery for you! Cant wait to see Tim! Love you!