
Saturday, October 23, 2010

While I was in labor...

OK, these first couple are actually from the day or two before Tim was born, when my parents got here. They were amazing and changed their airline tickets to Monday instead of Wednesday, so they could be here to help with the kids for us!! Thanks, again, Mom and Dad!!

Josh was pretty enamored of Granddad's hat...
Silly boys going down the stairs in the morning. Sam goes down on his belly mostly, so Josh thinks it's hilarious for him to do the same.
Sam loves the stairs. A LOT. And beach balls. And the tail on his outfit makes this a super cute picture!!
Classic Josh "look". He learned from a pro. (Me, in case you didn't pick that up.)
Rough housing with Daddy the night before their brother was born. They love playing with Daddy!!
While AJ and I were at the hospital, Mom and Dad took the boys to Gahagan Park (aka The Faraway Park). They played and had a picnic and got out lots of energy and took really good naps when they got home. They also happened to meet up with some friends of ours from Rolly Pollies and school and got to hang out a bit with them. Not that Josh needs to know people to talk to them, as is evident in a couple of these pics. He could talk to anyone, and does!!

Josh swinging on the tire swing.
Sam in the red swing. This is a super cool swing, and it's never open when we're there, so I know he was excited to be able to swing in it!
Metal pipes and brass balls on strikers make a GREAT toy. They love to make noise!!
Josh talking to people. No idea what he was telling them about... probably about his baby Tiger being born!! He was super excited about that.
I love my Sam's expressions!!
times 2!!
Playing soccer.
Sam really loves balls. A lot.
Another kid. Josh really loves to talk... No idea where he got that trait from...
Mom and Dad said that Sam would pull himself up on these monkey bars to stand on Mom's shoulders. You can see this in the pic below. Silly monkey!
Having the time of his life!

Love that smile!!

1 comment:

The Pences said...

Cute cute! Love the monkey bars pictures!