
Monday, March 10, 2008

The Pottery Trip

OK, so you'll have to bear with me...I accidentally loaded the pix backwards, so just go to the bottom and scroll up, if you feel the need to know the proper order. Anyway...
So my Mom and I went on this crazy Polish Pottery trip while she was here...we left Ramstein on a big bus at 7 pm on Thursday and drove thru the night...we got to the first store at 3:45 am...and the people who run the stores were there, waiting for us!!! Can you believe that? So we started shopping at 0345 Friday morning, which was insane, and we shopped all day, and left after a whopping 13 hours of shopping at 4:45 ish Friday afternoon. We stopped for dinner at an American style restaurant that the drivers insisted we had to stop at in Dresden around 6, then drove thru the night again, to arrive back at Ramstein I think around 0300 or so...and I drove home in the rain (after we unloaded all our hundred or so boxes also in the rain!). I went to bed around 4 (I think) and then AJ got up at 0530 to fly, and thankfully Josh let me sleep till like 0830 or something, so I was more or less human on Saturday. Anyway, it was a successful trip, in that Mom and I both found pottery for ourselves and the other people we were looking for stuff for, and survived more or less intact. OK, that's about it for describing the trip, so now just the captions for the pix. Enjoy!
Little antique store at our last stop where I found this cool dagger from an officer in the Luftwaffe in Nazi Germany. I gave it to AJ, and he likes it!
Giant teapot outside a store at our last stop
Giant vases and teapots outside the same store
Lots of Pottery
Most of the stores had some shelves, but also had stacks and rows and tons of pottery pretty much anywhere there was space to put it!
More pottery
Awesome pottery hung tree outside a store at our last stop (there were like 6 that we hit here)
Pottery store
Pottery hen and her chicks
This store had this wagon with the "eyeball" or circle and dot pattern painted on it on the roof...we drove past this store about 5 times before we actually stopped at it!
Pattern that Mom really liked
Pretty store
There were these little stools lined up on the stairs in this store...like I said, they put it anywhere they have space!
teapot painted on the window
LOTS of pottery!

Giant vase thing in a planter in the middle of a circle.
The ladies on the bus
The ladies in front of the bus
The ladies standing in line with their stuff to get on the bus


Caren said...

Holy Cow, thats a lot of pottery! I wish I could have gone on a trip before we left. It would have been fun to get a bunch of stuff. I'm glad you had a good time!

Vonda said...

Wow Kathy...looks like y'all had a great time! I have never seen so much Pottery...oh my word! Now girl, where is a pix of your Mama??? She must have taken the ones of y'all in front of the bus because I didn't see her in that one either. So glad y'all had such a great time together. I'm sure that was fun for you and your Mama to experience a Polish Pottery trip together. -Vonda

Unknown said...

I really really really want a pottery tree now. Thanks for posting pictures...they're awesome. I never knew what polish pottery looked like in POLAND because I never got to go, so this helps. ;)