
Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Sick Josh

So Josh woke up fussing this morning, very unusual, and came and got in bed with me and dozed on and off for a few min. When we went downstairs, he laid on the floor and fell asleep for a few minutes, and then everytime he would lie down or lean on something, he fell asleep. After awhile, he decided he was hungry, but couldn't get more than a few steps before wanting to lie down, so I picked him up and put him in his high chair and fed him some rice crispies with milk...about halfway through, he threw up everything I'd fed him, and I stripped him down, put him in the bath, where he was shivering uncontrollably, washed him off real quick, then got him dressed (under protest...he didn't want to get dressed) and we went back downstairs where I put him on the couch and he kind of just vegged for awhile. Then he seemed to get his second wind, and he ate some teddy grahams and got down and has been more like normal Josh and playing and stuff. So I think he's ok now. Here's some pix I snapped of him asleep on the floor.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Aww...poor kid. Everyone's been sick this year...all over the world. BOOO being sick. He's still cute even when he's sick though.