
Thursday, March 20, 2008


OK, so this will be just some random pictures, plus a few I took today...the day that Josh first slept in his toddler bed! This is just his crib with the side taken off and the little rail on it instead, but it was pretty exciting...he figured out he could get out pretty quickly, and when I put him down for his nap this morning, I had to put him back in bed several times, but he finally went to sleep in bed. However I did take a picture of what I found when I went in after a few min. leaving him alone. So he's officially a big boy now...sleeping in a toddler bed, going peepee in the potty.
The new bed...well, the crib-turned-toddler bed, and the crash pad for if he falls out of bed.
Josh in his new bed

This is what I found when coming in after leaving in his bed for awhile.

Here's some other pix from the last couple of weeks:
Josh and Brennan in the bath together...they both LOVE splashing!
Happy water babies
"Tickle, tickle!"
Opening Easter presents from Grandmom and Granddad
He got a dinosaur plate and bowl...he loved to put the little airplanes he also got from then in the bowl and carry them around.
This is the plastic bag that the dog's bed came in...he picked it up and wanted to put it on...loved it! He kept wandering around in it and peering out.
Gus waiting under the table for Josh to feed him something.
Cute begging doggie

So one day last week I came up to get Josh from his nap, and here's what I found...not sure how he got the one arm out of the pj's...they were still zipped and everything. The thing on his arm is a superman tattoo...he has two now. He found another one the other day and brought it to me and begged until I put it on him. Funny boy!
Chillin' with his feet up.

1 comment:

Vonda said...

Oh wow...Josh in a big boy bed! Can you believe your baby is growing up this fast??? It seems like yesterday he arrived! The pics of Josh and Brennan are also awesome! Bath time is always fun for these babies.