
Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Having a ball...with Sidewalk Chalk!

Josh is playing with his ball...obviously having a great time! I couldn't even get him to look at the camera!
I found a bucket of sidewalk chalk at Target for $1 and thought it might be fun. Josh scribbled a little, but mostly he just liked to carry the bucket around with him. He did get pretty filthy, though. And Mama had fun drawing...!
Notice the new shoes...big boy running shoes! So cute, and they were cheap, too! I love Target...
The boy with his bucket.
See all the chalk all over his bottom?
Cute boy...probably some of the last pictures of him with the binky you'll see. He's now using it only at nap time and bed time...and we take it with us when we go in the car, but he only gets it if he's being sooo fussy that whoever is driving can't concentrate. Or if he's sleepy in the car...or causing a huge scene in a store b/c he's so tired. But on an every day basis, he's only having it when he sleeps, which is awesome!

Now, he's doing pretty much NOTHING on the potty front...except that he pooped in the bathtub a couple of days ago, and last night, just after I took off his diaper before bath, he peed all over the floor...aaargh! He wants to sit on it sometimes, but doesn't ever do anything. Hopefully soon...I know he's still a little unsettled from the move, and it's not over yet, so we just have to be patient.

OK, I've got about a million pictures to put up, but instead of doing one huge post, I thought I'd put several posts over the next few days with pictures. So I hope you like them.

1 comment:

Shannon said...

You HAVE to give that ball/butt photo to whoever asks for baby photos his Senior year of High School! That's AWESOME. I'm still laughing. Cute, cute, cute!!! We never take the paci with us anymore which is good because then I'm not tempted to "plug him up" when he's cranky. It's not good when it's his 18-month check-up and Mommy forgets he's getting shots and may need it for comfort not to mention the fact that I ran errands afterwards into his naptime and if he had it, he would've been able to nap (not scream) in the car on the drive home. Oops.