
Thursday, June 19, 2008

Moving to OK: Part 2

OK, so once again, my pics are out of order, backwards, sort of. Because I was going to show the apt. first and random stuff last, but it's not a huge deal. Just read the captions on the pix.

This is Josh with the remote (which he thinks is a cell phone) and my shoes on. He's slightly obsessed with shoes right now...

OK, a little explanation is in order. The Thur. after we got here (we arrived on Sat.) we had a huge storm with tornadoes forming overhead, and winds destroying a LOT of stuff. The power was off for about 24 hours at our apt, but on base, it was off for like 3-4 days. So we had our friend Matt staying at our apt. over the weekend, so he could have AC and stuff. It was kinda fun, and Josh liked him alot. So these next two pix are of Josh "helping" Matt carry his suitcase out to his car. He actually pulled it out there pretty much all by himself!! He's so strong!

Peek-a-boo!! Josh's favorite game!
Did you know he could climb a rock wall? I didn't, but he can, with a little help!
Josh on a seesaw
Josh on the slide...he still insists on trying to climb up,and doesn't want to go down them.
This pic is Josh and Matt playing/talking about the Euro Cup and keeping him (Josh, not Matt) out of the way while I was making dinner one night. Thank you to Matt!
This is the bird's nest that I put the rescued baby bird back in several times...as an update, I haven't seen the baby or the parents flying up in there at all lately, so I'm kind of afraid that something bad happened to the baby after all. Sad...
This is a little pavillion that has the grills and picnic tables in it at our complex...just a few steps from our apt. Inside the little house is the workout room, and next to it (out of the pic) is the new pool.
This is taken after the storm, and as you can see, the fence is completely smashed and the gutter is hanging down...a big huge chunk of tree fell on it.
The picnic pavillion
Josh heading to the little play area in the complex
Josh and Daddy fencing in the hallway of our apt. The doorway you can see is Josh's room (left) and behind AJ is our room. To the right of AJ is the bathroom and the laundry closet and hall closet in a row down the hall.
This is Josh playing in one of the kitchen cabinets...he had a lot of fun in here.

His new favorite thing is to climb into/on top of things. Here he is inside the drawer under the oven...luckily it wasn't on!! He actually laid down in it completely...I could have closed it with him in it, but I don't think either one of us would have liked that too much.
Matt and AJ watching the Euro Cup. They actually bought 100 more satellite channels to be able to watch it. Crazy boys!

OK, so I still have some more random pics that I'll attempt to put up here someday...
Josh and I are leaving for the week tomorrow, though, and then AJ and I are going to Charleston to look at houses over the weekend of the 4th. So I won't be able to post for awhile, just to let you know.

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