
Friday, June 13, 2008


So I've decided that we have reached the level of absurd with the number of nicknames we have for Josh. It's a little crazy! So I've decided to list the ones that I can think of off the top of my head here to show you.

  • Joshua William (when he's in trouble)
  • Josh
  • J
  • JJ
  • Lil' J
  • J bit
  • Lil' bit
  • Buddy
  • Bud
  • Mister Man
  • Jib
  • Jibbers
  • Jibber roo
  • Roo
  • Jiblet
  • J Dub
  • JB
  • Snuggle Bug
  • Lil' Man
  • Lil' mister
  • Roo bit
Then of course there are all the normal ones like sweetie, baby, lovie, etc. And when he pretends to be a doggie, we call him doggie...go figure. This happens more and more. He really likes to pretend this and go in Gus's kennel. Sometimes he'll close the door and whine or occasionally bark, although he still doesn't think that's what a doggie says when you ask him. He even tried to lap water up out of Gus's bowl when we were in Plano visiting my grandmother. GROSS!!

OK, that's it for now. I'll try to get some pix posted tomorrow...I'll try to get them uploaded tonight. No promises, though...

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