
Friday, September 12, 2008

Happy Birthday, my little son!

I just want to talk a little about my kiddo. He's just amazing! He has his moments of demonic behavior, of couse, as does every child, but he's just so sweet and loving and sunshiney! He's always been a good kid, and fairly laid back, considering who his parents are!

I wanted to share with you all about one of the really awesome rewards we've recently reaped of being parents, and in particular for me, a real reward for being a stay at home mom/wife. I know a lot of people look down on those of us who do this job, and quite honestly, I have days when I think what was the point in even going to college, I never even got to teach or anything. I sometimes feel like I'm doing nothing with my life, and while I'm very dedicated to the idea that kids shouldn't be raised in daycare day in/day out unless it's necessary, there are days I want to go get a real job and have a paycheck, and a concrete reminder every month in the form of a paycheck as to why I do what I do. OK, all that rant to say, there aren't always a lot of really noticable rewards all the time. However, we have recently started having Josh repeat prayers after us, at meals and bedtimes. This is our reward. To hear that sweet little voice talking to God, and trying so hard to please us in this, we feel that every temper tantrum is totally worth it. Every sleepless night, illness, grumpy morning, bad behavior, whatever. That is why I want to stay home with my kids. I love to think that we've had that influence on him already, that he loves to pray. It's also a scary responsibility, but we're so excited to see what kind of amazing child of God our little boy grows into. I love that responsiblilty, and respect all of you who have had that kind of influence on a child or children, even if they weren't your own.

OK, that was a kind of long sappy rant, but lately Josh has seemed so much more grown up, and it's a little scary to think how fast he's growing up.

Anyway, now for the pix. On Josh's birthday, we woke up, and unfortunately, since AJ had to go to work early, Josh and I went alone to pick up donuts for his birthday breakfast. This is a tradition we had in my family when we were growing up that I loved, and I wanted to try to continue it with our kids. Josh also loves donuts (he calls them nonyuts), so he was pretty happy about it. He ate around 10 donut holes that morning...wow!

We had to light the candle again...

He loves to blow out the candle!
Notice the proud look on his face...it took him about 10 tries to get it out, but he thought it was hilarious when it would sputter, but not go out.
Happy sugared up child...what was I thinking???

That afternoon when AJ got home from work, and Josh got up from his nap, we pulled out the presents from Great-Mamaw, GG (my Grandmom), Grandmom/Grandad, and Aunt Missy/Uncle Nate/Cousin Josiah. I was so glad to get these gifts in the mail so he had something to open on his birthday! Thanks all of you!!

He loves his "Melmo" slippers from Aunt Missy and Uncle Nate!

He also loved the free cars that came with one of his shirts from Grandmom and Grandad.His lace up shoe and froggy book from Mamaw

Baby "Melmo" upup...that's what he says. "Elmo up up" and you pick him up and he says thank you or something. Josh likes him...this is him giving Melmo a kiss.Josh's Elmo's play day book and stuffed Elmo...loves this one too!

The day after his birthday brought his present from Nana and Grandpa. He loves his lawnmower, thank you! He took it outside to the porch to "mow" while AJ was outside mowing the backyard, and Gus went with him. I went to check on them, and here's what I saw. So cute!
Josh watching Daddy mow. He really loves his mower, and he knows where it goes, too. In the garage...unfortunately, he decided to "put it away" in the garage while AJ had the garage door open, and Gus got out and ran away. AJ found him a couple of doors down with some kids who had found him and grabbed him. Very nice of them to keep him for us! Nice to have neighbors who aren't scared of our giant obnoxious dog.
Anyway, Josh loves all his presents, and has enjoyed playing with them so much. So much that my floor is NEVER clean!! Oh well...

So that's Josh's birthday...I can't believe he's already two...seems like a few weeks ago he looked like this...

Can't wait to have another little tiny one, but I'm so excited to see what Josh learns every day! God has really blessed us so richly.

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