
Friday, September 12, 2008

Josh's Birthday Party!

OK, these have been WAY too long in coming, but here they are at last. These pictures are only from Sunday at his party. There are too many to post all the birthday pix on one post, so hopefully you've read the other one, already.

OK, so we invited a couple of our friends, as well as the neighbors across the street, who have an almost-two-year-old little girl named Sidney. Unfortunately they weren't able to come to the actual party, but they stopped by that afternoon on their way to church to visit and bring Josh's present over. They were a little wary of each other at first, but by the time they left, here's what was going on.

These trucks were in the present they brought for Josh. He loves them! Incidentally, the picnic table was a gift from us. He seems to like it pretty well!
Opening presents at the party...this fire truck was from Jeff and his girlfriend. We've really missed hanging out with Jeff, who is a friend from pilot training.
Josh's "woo-hoo" from us...he loves his train!
His Ernie Knex from Kevin and Trish (a friend and his fiance...Uncle Kevin, if some of you remember that story!)

One of two adorable puzzles Josh got from his "Aunt" Courtney and "Uncle" Galen. Thanks, guys!
Blocks from Mommy and Daddy.
He so loves this fire engine...these are the couple who bought it for him...as you can see from this pic and the one above, he really likes pretty blond girls!!
Josh's cake. I baked two funfetti cakes and AJ cut it in the shape of a 2. I frosted it and put lines and cars on it...Josh really liked it!
Josh being sung to...not quite sure what's going on.He blew out his candle with no help!! He's such a big boy!!
Attempting to eat cake with his fork...it didn't go too well. That's Uncle Kevin next to him.
As you can see, the fork didn't last too long. He decided it was much more expediant to use his hands and just cram it in his mouth.

He really enjoyed it, though!! Look at that big cheesy grin!Then he had a bath after our guests left and we got to use his new penguin towel. He loves to put his hands in the mitten pouch things and flap his arms (fapfapfap!) like a penguin. So cute!
Happy sleepy boy before bed chilling on the couch next to Daddy.

Overall, I think it was a successful party, but hopefully next year he'll have friends we can invite. I felt a little bad that there weren't any other kids for him to play with, but it did make it easier, since there was no competition over toys and stuff.

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