
Sunday, May 31, 2009

The problem with two computers...

...is that now I can't post anymore leave pix (well, the ones that aren't on the camera anymore) b/c they're on the laptop which just left with AJ. Now it's possible that he may still come home again today, since that's been the trend lately...he's tried to leave twice already and it hasn't worked...but it sounded like it was gonna happen today. I'm sure it will, now that Sam's gotten on a stay up till 3 am schedule, and Josh didn't take a nap today, and I've got a dr. appt. tomorrow for me, and one at the crack of dawn (well, really only 8 am, but we'll have to get up at the crack of dawn to make it there on time) for Sam on Wed. for him to get his shots, so he'll probably be fussy and stuff...figures, now that things are hard, AJ gets to go jetting off to Europe...sigh...

I seem to be venting on here more lately...sorry to those who actually read this...I really do love my husband and appreciate all he does for us, but occasionally I wish we could live a "normal" life, where he was home more than he's gone, and there aren't 4 month gaps where we don't see each other, and that Sam would actually know his Daddy. That's part of being a military wife, and I know I signed up for it, but sometimes I just feel like quitting! Today is one of those days...I'll probably be better if I can get some more sleep sometime.

OK, enough grumbling...I have joy, even when I'm feeling grumbly, because of Christ in my life. I just have to try to concentrate on that, and not myself.

But there will be no more pix of leave till he gets back, regardless...sorry!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

AJ's still here...

...and I'm TOTALLY EXCITED!! I know it's really hard for him to get spun up to go, and then have to come back when the plane doesn't get fixed, but I love having him home! Also, that means maybe he can stay up with Sam if he decides not to sleep again tonight!! He'll probably turn into an angel baby now that someone else is available to help out...


Murphy's Law states that anything that can go wrong, will...we've been having a "Murphy" week since we left Houston.

The day we supposed to leave Houston AJ got a call from the scheduler here asking him to fly a 10 day mission starting Friday morning. There wasn't anyone else, so he said ok, and the mess began...

To start with, I discovered that my military ID was missing on Wed. (the day we were flying back home) morning. We searched everywhere we could think of at AJ's parents' house, and I was on the phone with my Mom, getting her to search their house for me. It made for a lot of sweaty frustration.

Then we went to the airport, got on the flight, and had a pretty horrible trip home, with me, Josh and Sam sitting on one side of the plane, and AJ alone on the other. Basically this was b/c the plane only had extra oxygen masks on the one side of the plane with the row of 2 seats. I understand and appreciate them seating us in one of these rows...that said, I was having some difficulties juggling both boys (Sam wanted to eat, of course) and trying to eat my lunch...so I handed Sam to AJ for a few min. The flight attendant was very pushy and not understanding about my non-octopus status, and insisted that either AJ and I switch seats (the fasten seat belt light was still on, btw), or that I continue to pull my hair out b/c of going crazy trying to deal with an 8 wk old and an almost 3 year old who didn't want to be cooped up, and needed a nap DESPERATELY! Well, of course it would have been almost as much trouble to reorganize ourselves as it was to just deal with it, so we just dealt with it...while watching other adults on the flight stand in the aisle chatting...while the FA said NOTHING to them! It was just irritating...

Then when we got out to our car (it was raining, btw, and there were puddles everywhere), the check engine light came on when we started my car...so as we're driving home, I was looking up the reasons for it to come on. One was that the fuel cap might need to be checked and put on tight. So AJ checked that, and we waited to see if it would work or not, as the book said it could take a day or few of normal driving to go off if that was the problem.

We unpacked, searching everywhere for my ID, and finally found it in the lining of one of the suitcases!!! Thank God...we'd both been praying all day to find it.

Then the next day, AJ headed off to work and the day went ok...figured out my appt. finally...the third one I've made, and hopefully this one will actually stick!

Went to pick up Gus with both boys...and decided to leave them in the car with the windows down, since it would be just a run in and out thing...until the stupid dog came out BLEEDING!! He had cut his tail on something, the kennel probably, and the lady had to tape it up. We need to take that off...but he's acting fairly normal, although he did pee all over the dining room yesterday morning...weird and not cool!

Then I called Honda and told them we were bringing our car in, and when AJ got home that day, we put Josh and Sam in the cars and headed to the Honda dealership...but when I turned my car on, there was no check engine light on! Since we had driven it some since redoing the fuel cap, and it says that in the book, and we didn't exactly have a ton of time, we decided to just accept that it was fixed and not mess with it.

That afternoon after the boys' naps (yes, I managed to get them to take naps the same time and length!!), AJ and Josh went out to mow, edge, and fix the gutter in the back. After dinner, it was time for Josh's bath, and when I pulled his shirt off him, I found a TICK!!!!! YUCK!! Having never seen or dealt with ticks, I freaked out and had to run get AJ, who pulled it out, head and all, so it was ok...then we washed Josh, and fine-tooth combed both his and AJ's hair to be sure we hadn't missed any nasty little blood suckers! EWWW...and we also gave Gus his frontline and went over him for ticks, too...didn't find anymore, thank goodness!

The next day, we had a good morning, though AJ was very busy getting everything ready to go before 10...managed it, and he left. Josh and Sam and I went to the store, on a marathon run, and it went fairly smoothly, though the cart wasn't really big enough, and we had to have a guy help us out to the car. Got home and made Josh his sandwich while putting away the cold/frozen stuff, and had him eat while Sam ate, too. Halfway through, Josh wanted to sit on the potty, so (still nursing Sam) I helped him pull off his pants and pull up and sent him off to go...and he did, and washed his hands and flushed and everything...he's starting to get better about it again! He even tried to go poop on the potty last night! Anyway, nap time came, and I tried to put Sam down (he was tired), put Josh down, and then went back to get the crying Sam and try again...and again...and ended up taking him downstairs where I made my lunch one handed, and ate while feeding Sam (AGAIN!), and finally after lunch, I managed to get him to sleep on the couch...but he would start to wake up, and I'd put his binky back in and pat his back a min., and we'd repeat that about every 20-30 min. for a couple hrs.

Then I got a call from AJ...I figured he was at his stop in the states before heading overseas, but when I asked where he was, he told me "almost to the Texaco." They had a broken plane...it was broken when they got there, and despite an entire day of trying fix it, it was still broken last night when he came home. So they're trying again today, but we at least got one more night with him home!!

However, last night was NOT a good night for me. I was finishing up a few things downstairs, and Sam started crying (he'd gone up with AJ just a couple min. before), but I figured AJ would get him, so I kept reading whatever it was I was reading on the computer. But he kept crying...and kept on crying...so I headed upstairs, figuring AJ had given up on him...I was right. So I changed Sam's diaper and put his pj's on, and rocked/bounced him to sleep, and put him in bed...5 min. later, he was up again...and this continued for over an hour!! Finally, around 2 he gave up for good, with AJ sleeping peacefully the whole time. I could have woken him up, but knowing he was going to (try to) fly today, I let him sleep...I don't want him to crash the plane b/c he was up with Sam all night or anything...

Then Sam woke up at 5...3 hours after I'd finally gotten him to sleep!!! AAAAAAARRRRRRGGGHHHH!! I was kinda mad at him, and though we dozed while I fed him, it was really irritating and put me in a horrible mood. It's been at least a week or two since the last time I got that little sleep. He better not do this the whole time AJ's gone...I might have to ship him back to his grandparents' house!!

OK, now that I've vented, I feel better...now for breakfast, and finishing the laundry and vacuuming all the spots where the dog peed yesterday. Yahoo...

Monday, May 25, 2009

Round one of leave pictures

We've been on leave here in Houston for almost two weeks now, and I thought we'd load some of our pictures. These are from the beginning of our trip, but pretty miscellaneous.
My Mamaw came down for about a week to spend some time with us, and meet her newest great grandson.
My Dad with Sam...he sure does love Sam!

Daddy (AJ) with his boys in the pool
This was Sam's first time in the pool
He liked it for awhile
Josh saying "cheese!!"
Yay for playing in the pool!!

Josh's sandals on the left, Josiah's on the right...almost exactly 2 years age difference!
Josh playing on his playset in Grandmom's and Granddad's yard

Nana (Carla, AJ's mom) holding Sam for the first time...unfortunately he was screaming b/c it was his dinnertime, but he really loves being held by her now!
Missy (my sister) being sweet with her son, Josiah...Josiah was only interested in chewing on the antennae of the water toy!
Josh and Josiah riding together
Josiah in the pool...loved the bouncing!

Sam enjoying the sun outside while the bigger boys played in the pool.

There will be more at some point, when I have time. We've had a great visit, and we're so excited we got to come and let Sam meet the rest of his family...well, as much as we could! Check back soon for more pictures!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Sam is 7 weeks old

Sam is getting so big!! I can't believe it's already been almost 2 months! He "talks" and smiles all the time, especially with his Granddad! He's been pretty ornery about sleeping at night (or anytime we put him in a bed!), but last night I made myself stay up till he ate at about 11, then fell asleep around 1130 and I put him in his bed (successfully!) at about 12, went to sleep, and woke up about 0545 to him starting to squeak a little...he did pretty awesome! I'm hoping he does it again tonight!!

My sisters and I gave my mom a pedicure for Mother's Day, and decided we'd just try to find a time while we were all around to go get one altogether, and we were all (except Beth =+(...) able to go today...it was AMAZING!! Easily the best pedi I've ever had, with hot stone leg/foot massages, massaging chairs, hot parafin, warm towels, loofahs, and more! It was fantastic!

Anyway, I'll post pics in a couple of days hopefully when I have some time.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Josh and his pool

Josh has a very cool fold up/pop up pool that we ordered online for this year, and he LOVES it!! He's always loved water, though..
We invited Sydney over to play one day, too...they had a good time, but kind of antagonized each other a bit. Josh would pour water on Sydney or splash her, and she would get upset, till her mom told her to just splash him back. It eventually worked out.
pouring water into each other's buckets

Josh being silly, and Sydney loving it!
Aww...pretty smile, Sydney!
"Washing" each other
splashing Mommy
swimming Josh

Filling up the pool with Daddy
Trying to play in the pool with his clothes and rainboots before it had any water in it.

Josh on video playing with his pool

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Sam Smiles!!

Sam smiled for the first time on Thur, May 7!! I was talking to him while holding him, and he just lit up! He put on another show for his daddy last night. I tried to get some pictures of him smiling, but not sure how well it worked. I also took a couple of videos of him "talking" to me this morning.

Daddy "multi-tasking"

Sort of Sam smile

Sam smiled for the first time on Thur, May 7!! I was talking to him while holding him, and he just lit up! He put on another show for his daddy last night. I tried to get some pictures of him smiling, but not sure how well it worked. I also took a couple of videos of him "talking" to me this morning.

I wrote this the other day...not home, so can't post the videos, but I will when we get home!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Both my boys are taking naps as we speak!! So exciting! Josh has been having a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day, though...he says he wants to move to Australia!

He woke up UBER EARLY this morning, and then had to sit in his room and wait for mommy to finally manage to wake up enough to emerge from bed. Then he was trying to empty a water bottle (old, and I asked him to, to give him something to do) into the sink, and he somehow slipped, fell off the step stool, water bottle (and water) flying, and ram his head and arm into the open dishwasher...poor Josh!! Then he had to wait for his breakfast while I was on the phone (in my defense, I asked him and he said he didn't want breakfast...), and then when he was finally finished and wanted more, I was feeding SAm, so he had to wait...which turned out to not be a big deal, b/c a lady from church came by to "encourage" us, and bring gifts (layette set for Sam, and big red rubber ball for Josh). It was very sweet, but unfortunately, her 6 year old grandson was with her and he and Josh got into mischief the whole time she and I were visiting.

After they left, he had several issues with the fact that I then had to finish feeding the (by then) ravenous Sam, instead of playing with him...he clobbered Sam with his baby doll (time out #1), then after he came and apologized, threw a (toy) golf ball at Sam (and me, missing us both, thank goodness), and had time out #2. Then we were in the library, and he was dumping things on Gus, after I asked him not to, and when I tried to get him into time out #3, he threw a toy at me, so he got a spanking and still had to sit in TO #3...not a fun time.

Then I decided it was time for either nap or lunch, so we tried lunch...he at the watermelon, but threw the chips and sandwich pieces on the floor, so I got him down, cleaned him up, and took him up to bed. As I was changing him into his diaper for nap, Sam, who had been sleeping peacefully in the swing, started SCREAMING...not just fussing or crying, but full out screams. So I got Josh into bed, him protesting the whole time that he "not need a nap, mommy!" He kept asking me to lie in bed with him, but there was Sam screaming, and me needing to eat something for lunch, so I had to tell him no. (Normally this wouldn't even be an issue with me, but I know he needed Mommy time so badly today...and I just didn't have enough to go around!) So I went and got Sam, calmed him down, got out some burps, which I'm assuming were what caused the wake up and scream session, and got him to sleep, as I hear Josh banging around in his room...

So I finally got Sam to stay asleep in his bed, and went to get Josh and put him back in his bed, and after crying a few min., all is quiet from upstairs...my children (and I) am so so so SO much happier when we all have enough sleep!! Hoping they both get good naps in, and then Josh can play this afternoon wtih Sandy and Evan in the pool outside, while I get the house cleaned and vacuumed for community group meeting here tonight. Whew...now it's time for lunch!!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Just a note...

...to say I really love to put up new backgrounds on here...it's so much fun! I hope everyone who reads this likes them as much as I do! And now I really have to get going...WAY past my bedtime, plus there's still a kitchen full of dirty dishes and a couch full of laundry and a visitor coming tomorrow morning, as well as community group coming over here tomorrow evening...yikes, what have I gotten myself into???

Sam sleeps in his crib!

So last night, I gave Sam a bottle at dinner time, since I had one in the fridge that was about to go bad, and he was eating constantly yesterday (growth spurt??). The boy ate 4 oz. of milk, after nursing (probably only 1-2 oz. that time) just an hour before. So he was nice and full and had a dirty diaper and burped, and so I laid him in his crib on a blanket (yes, I know you're not supposed to do that, but the mattress was kinda cold) with his binky and afghan and he slept from just before 8 till midnight!!! It was great!! He then ate and slept till 0430 in bed with me, ate again, and then I spent an hour and a half talking/playing with him, then trying to get him to go back to sleep. He slept from 0630 till 0845 in his crib again, when I woke him up to go to RP's music (which turned into open gym, since Ms. Marka was sick)!! He probably would have slept longer even! I think he prefers his big bed to the cradle...he might have to start sleeping in there, we'll see. It was a nice schedule, though, and I feel fairly awake today as a result.

After RP's we went to McDonald's to pick up a snack...only to find out that they weren't serving lunch yet, so I ended up getting an iced mocha for me (pretty good, btw) and nothing for Josh. He wasn't too pleased, but I didn't think he really needed a snack that badly anyway. Then we went and met Sheree and Sydney and their playgroup at the park on base and played for about an hour and a half. Josh sat in a baby swing for about 30 min.!! I couldn't believe it, but I think he's tired today...he was yesterday too, and I don't think he's caught up yet. Hopefully he'll take a nap today and do better.

And in a truly ambitious manner, I'm planning for a possible walk with Sandy and Evan this afternoon after nap, and possibly an outing to Target with Sheree and Sydney this evening...we'll have to see, one or both may get nixed, depending on our moods/schedule this evening. It's nice to feel human enough to do some stuff again! I feel like we're finally not going nuts all day everyday anymore...only sometimes on most days!

OK, just felt like posting something...I'll post some pics of Josh playing in his pool soon...and of the stroller when it gets here! Can't wait, I got the email that it shipped today, so it should be pretty soon! YAY!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Sam is one month old!

OK, here's some pictures from the past few days for you. Sam turned one month old today, and it's hard to believe that much time has passed! He had a check up today, and weighs 9 lbs. 9 oz., and (according to their measurements, which I'm not convinced are totally accurate) is 21.1 in. long. That puts him in the 45th percentile for both height and weight. He's a healthy little boy, and is really starting to focus more on things...he loves to watch his fishies and faces of people. He also loves to bounce, just like his brother!
This is a little fuzzy, but I thought it was cute of Sam and his seahorse.
AJ brought this seahorse back from Spain (the BX on base there) for Sam...we all love it! It lights up and plays music and bubbly water sounds, and helps Sam sleep. That's why AJ and I like it...Josh wants to take it to his bed all the time...he likes that it glows...he picked up his octopus the other day and asked where it's light was...it doesn't, unfortunately, light up...poor Josh!

Sam and "Uncle" Kevin. He saw us going into Rolly Pollies one morning and came in and talked a little with us. We have a picture like this with him and Josh, so I really wanted one with Sam, too. Sam treated Kevin to a little "one-eyed pirate" look, which is what earned Josh the nickname "One-eyed pirate Kevin" when he was a baby, so Kevin was pretty happy that Sam does that look too. I'm pretty sure that came out as gibberish, but it's a really long story, so if you need an explanation, let me know!
Awww...big softie!
Sam is obsessed with his fishies on the swing! He loves to watch them. The other day I came downstairs after having put him in the swing, and found him in this rather uncomfortable looking position. He just had to get a better look at those fish!!
Josh with his baby. AJ and I got him this doll and gave it to him when Sam came home. He didn't have a ton of interest in it until recently, when my parents sent a little bag with two bottles and two diapers. Now he plays baby all the time...he likes to pack up his "diaper bag" with the bottles, diapers, and sometimes a chicken leg or something, and carry them around and feed and change his baby. These pictures he had decided he needed to feed his baby, and had seen me using the boppy with Sam earlier, so he picked it up to use. At least he didn't lift up his shirt and try to nurse his baby...
Loving on his baby!!
I got out the tummy time mat (Josh never used it for tummy time, he absolutely HATED tummy time!) to see what Sam thought. He mostly just didn't want to be set down anywhere, I think...wanted to be held. But this is him trying to lift up his head. He's getting pretty good at it!
One month old boy! He's lying on his brand new nite-nite crocheted for him by his Grandmom. He really loves the afghans, they seem to calm him when he's upset! Just like his brother...
Pretty blanket! Sam, in between screams...he didn't want his picture taken!
Happy Sam with his binky...
Not so happy Sam when the binky fell out...poor Sam!