
Saturday, May 30, 2009


Murphy's Law states that anything that can go wrong, will...we've been having a "Murphy" week since we left Houston.

The day we supposed to leave Houston AJ got a call from the scheduler here asking him to fly a 10 day mission starting Friday morning. There wasn't anyone else, so he said ok, and the mess began...

To start with, I discovered that my military ID was missing on Wed. (the day we were flying back home) morning. We searched everywhere we could think of at AJ's parents' house, and I was on the phone with my Mom, getting her to search their house for me. It made for a lot of sweaty frustration.

Then we went to the airport, got on the flight, and had a pretty horrible trip home, with me, Josh and Sam sitting on one side of the plane, and AJ alone on the other. Basically this was b/c the plane only had extra oxygen masks on the one side of the plane with the row of 2 seats. I understand and appreciate them seating us in one of these rows...that said, I was having some difficulties juggling both boys (Sam wanted to eat, of course) and trying to eat my lunch...so I handed Sam to AJ for a few min. The flight attendant was very pushy and not understanding about my non-octopus status, and insisted that either AJ and I switch seats (the fasten seat belt light was still on, btw), or that I continue to pull my hair out b/c of going crazy trying to deal with an 8 wk old and an almost 3 year old who didn't want to be cooped up, and needed a nap DESPERATELY! Well, of course it would have been almost as much trouble to reorganize ourselves as it was to just deal with it, so we just dealt with it...while watching other adults on the flight stand in the aisle chatting...while the FA said NOTHING to them! It was just irritating...

Then when we got out to our car (it was raining, btw, and there were puddles everywhere), the check engine light came on when we started my car...so as we're driving home, I was looking up the reasons for it to come on. One was that the fuel cap might need to be checked and put on tight. So AJ checked that, and we waited to see if it would work or not, as the book said it could take a day or few of normal driving to go off if that was the problem.

We unpacked, searching everywhere for my ID, and finally found it in the lining of one of the suitcases!!! Thank God...we'd both been praying all day to find it.

Then the next day, AJ headed off to work and the day went ok...figured out my appt. finally...the third one I've made, and hopefully this one will actually stick!

Went to pick up Gus with both boys...and decided to leave them in the car with the windows down, since it would be just a run in and out thing...until the stupid dog came out BLEEDING!! He had cut his tail on something, the kennel probably, and the lady had to tape it up. We need to take that off...but he's acting fairly normal, although he did pee all over the dining room yesterday morning...weird and not cool!

Then I called Honda and told them we were bringing our car in, and when AJ got home that day, we put Josh and Sam in the cars and headed to the Honda dealership...but when I turned my car on, there was no check engine light on! Since we had driven it some since redoing the fuel cap, and it says that in the book, and we didn't exactly have a ton of time, we decided to just accept that it was fixed and not mess with it.

That afternoon after the boys' naps (yes, I managed to get them to take naps the same time and length!!), AJ and Josh went out to mow, edge, and fix the gutter in the back. After dinner, it was time for Josh's bath, and when I pulled his shirt off him, I found a TICK!!!!! YUCK!! Having never seen or dealt with ticks, I freaked out and had to run get AJ, who pulled it out, head and all, so it was ok...then we washed Josh, and fine-tooth combed both his and AJ's hair to be sure we hadn't missed any nasty little blood suckers! EWWW...and we also gave Gus his frontline and went over him for ticks, too...didn't find anymore, thank goodness!

The next day, we had a good morning, though AJ was very busy getting everything ready to go before 10...managed it, and he left. Josh and Sam and I went to the store, on a marathon run, and it went fairly smoothly, though the cart wasn't really big enough, and we had to have a guy help us out to the car. Got home and made Josh his sandwich while putting away the cold/frozen stuff, and had him eat while Sam ate, too. Halfway through, Josh wanted to sit on the potty, so (still nursing Sam) I helped him pull off his pants and pull up and sent him off to go...and he did, and washed his hands and flushed and everything...he's starting to get better about it again! He even tried to go poop on the potty last night! Anyway, nap time came, and I tried to put Sam down (he was tired), put Josh down, and then went back to get the crying Sam and try again...and again...and ended up taking him downstairs where I made my lunch one handed, and ate while feeding Sam (AGAIN!), and finally after lunch, I managed to get him to sleep on the couch...but he would start to wake up, and I'd put his binky back in and pat his back a min., and we'd repeat that about every 20-30 min. for a couple hrs.

Then I got a call from AJ...I figured he was at his stop in the states before heading overseas, but when I asked where he was, he told me "almost to the Texaco." They had a broken plane...it was broken when they got there, and despite an entire day of trying fix it, it was still broken last night when he came home. So they're trying again today, but we at least got one more night with him home!!

However, last night was NOT a good night for me. I was finishing up a few things downstairs, and Sam started crying (he'd gone up with AJ just a couple min. before), but I figured AJ would get him, so I kept reading whatever it was I was reading on the computer. But he kept crying...and kept on crying...so I headed upstairs, figuring AJ had given up on him...I was right. So I changed Sam's diaper and put his pj's on, and rocked/bounced him to sleep, and put him in bed...5 min. later, he was up again...and this continued for over an hour!! Finally, around 2 he gave up for good, with AJ sleeping peacefully the whole time. I could have woken him up, but knowing he was going to (try to) fly today, I let him sleep...I don't want him to crash the plane b/c he was up with Sam all night or anything...

Then Sam woke up at 5...3 hours after I'd finally gotten him to sleep!!! AAAAAAARRRRRRGGGHHHH!! I was kinda mad at him, and though we dozed while I fed him, it was really irritating and put me in a horrible mood. It's been at least a week or two since the last time I got that little sleep. He better not do this the whole time AJ's gone...I might have to ship him back to his grandparents' house!!

OK, now that I've vented, I feel better...now for breakfast, and finishing the laundry and vacuuming all the spots where the dog peed yesterday. Yahoo...

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