
Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Both my boys are taking naps as we speak!! So exciting! Josh has been having a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day, though...he says he wants to move to Australia!

He woke up UBER EARLY this morning, and then had to sit in his room and wait for mommy to finally manage to wake up enough to emerge from bed. Then he was trying to empty a water bottle (old, and I asked him to, to give him something to do) into the sink, and he somehow slipped, fell off the step stool, water bottle (and water) flying, and ram his head and arm into the open dishwasher...poor Josh!! Then he had to wait for his breakfast while I was on the phone (in my defense, I asked him and he said he didn't want breakfast...), and then when he was finally finished and wanted more, I was feeding SAm, so he had to wait...which turned out to not be a big deal, b/c a lady from church came by to "encourage" us, and bring gifts (layette set for Sam, and big red rubber ball for Josh). It was very sweet, but unfortunately, her 6 year old grandson was with her and he and Josh got into mischief the whole time she and I were visiting.

After they left, he had several issues with the fact that I then had to finish feeding the (by then) ravenous Sam, instead of playing with him...he clobbered Sam with his baby doll (time out #1), then after he came and apologized, threw a (toy) golf ball at Sam (and me, missing us both, thank goodness), and had time out #2. Then we were in the library, and he was dumping things on Gus, after I asked him not to, and when I tried to get him into time out #3, he threw a toy at me, so he got a spanking and still had to sit in TO #3...not a fun time.

Then I decided it was time for either nap or lunch, so we tried lunch...he at the watermelon, but threw the chips and sandwich pieces on the floor, so I got him down, cleaned him up, and took him up to bed. As I was changing him into his diaper for nap, Sam, who had been sleeping peacefully in the swing, started SCREAMING...not just fussing or crying, but full out screams. So I got Josh into bed, him protesting the whole time that he "not need a nap, mommy!" He kept asking me to lie in bed with him, but there was Sam screaming, and me needing to eat something for lunch, so I had to tell him no. (Normally this wouldn't even be an issue with me, but I know he needed Mommy time so badly today...and I just didn't have enough to go around!) So I went and got Sam, calmed him down, got out some burps, which I'm assuming were what caused the wake up and scream session, and got him to sleep, as I hear Josh banging around in his room...

So I finally got Sam to stay asleep in his bed, and went to get Josh and put him back in his bed, and after crying a few min., all is quiet from upstairs...my children (and I) am so so so SO much happier when we all have enough sleep!! Hoping they both get good naps in, and then Josh can play this afternoon wtih Sandy and Evan in the pool outside, while I get the house cleaned and vacuumed for community group meeting here tonight. Whew...now it's time for lunch!!

1 comment:

Shannon said...

*sigh* I'm feelin' for ya! A friend of mine *insists* on duct tape and though I know he's kidding, it's getting more and more tempting as time passes. Especially now that we have dubbed Alex the "Alexgator" because of the "death rolls" he does every single stinking time we try to change his diaper/clothes. He's just super strong and is eerily speedy "on land" just like a real alligator not to mention his grabbing at ALL things he shouldn't and getting a steel-clamped grip on them. In other words, you think it's bad now? Wait till Sam's mobile! Yowsa! But they're super fun and I wouldn't trade them. I just need to get into shape...and fast!