
Monday, May 25, 2009

Round one of leave pictures

We've been on leave here in Houston for almost two weeks now, and I thought we'd load some of our pictures. These are from the beginning of our trip, but pretty miscellaneous.
My Mamaw came down for about a week to spend some time with us, and meet her newest great grandson.
My Dad with Sam...he sure does love Sam!

Daddy (AJ) with his boys in the pool
This was Sam's first time in the pool
He liked it for awhile
Josh saying "cheese!!"
Yay for playing in the pool!!

Josh's sandals on the left, Josiah's on the right...almost exactly 2 years age difference!
Josh playing on his playset in Grandmom's and Granddad's yard

Nana (Carla, AJ's mom) holding Sam for the first time...unfortunately he was screaming b/c it was his dinnertime, but he really loves being held by her now!
Missy (my sister) being sweet with her son, Josiah...Josiah was only interested in chewing on the antennae of the water toy!
Josh and Josiah riding together
Josiah in the pool...loved the bouncing!

Sam enjoying the sun outside while the bigger boys played in the pool.

There will be more at some point, when I have time. We've had a great visit, and we're so excited we got to come and let Sam meet the rest of his family...well, as much as we could! Check back soon for more pictures!


Shannon said...

Cute, cute, CUTE!!! The boys are absolutely adorable...ALL of them. LOVE Josiah's expression like, "who me?" in the pool pic. So cute. I honestly think Sam is looking more and more like you Kathy. Alex is finally starting to resemble Brennan a bit, but still keeping his own "Alex-ness" about him. Much smaller mouth than Bren, but eats SO much more!!! Including an open safety pin he found on the floor yesterday. Luckily, Grandma was on the ball and scooped it out of his mouth in time. Yikes! Have a safe trip back to SC. Luv ya!

missyboynton said...

I love the pool pix! Especially Josh's cheesy "cheese" face.