
Sunday, May 31, 2009

The problem with two computers...

...is that now I can't post anymore leave pix (well, the ones that aren't on the camera anymore) b/c they're on the laptop which just left with AJ. Now it's possible that he may still come home again today, since that's been the trend lately...he's tried to leave twice already and it hasn't worked...but it sounded like it was gonna happen today. I'm sure it will, now that Sam's gotten on a stay up till 3 am schedule, and Josh didn't take a nap today, and I've got a dr. appt. tomorrow for me, and one at the crack of dawn (well, really only 8 am, but we'll have to get up at the crack of dawn to make it there on time) for Sam on Wed. for him to get his shots, so he'll probably be fussy and stuff...figures, now that things are hard, AJ gets to go jetting off to Europe...sigh...

I seem to be venting on here more lately...sorry to those who actually read this...I really do love my husband and appreciate all he does for us, but occasionally I wish we could live a "normal" life, where he was home more than he's gone, and there aren't 4 month gaps where we don't see each other, and that Sam would actually know his Daddy. That's part of being a military wife, and I know I signed up for it, but sometimes I just feel like quitting! Today is one of those days...I'll probably be better if I can get some more sleep sometime.

OK, enough grumbling...I have joy, even when I'm feeling grumbly, because of Christ in my life. I just have to try to concentrate on that, and not myself.

But there will be no more pix of leave till he gets back, regardless...sorry!

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Hang in there! I know how hard it is with just Eli and Chili and can't even imagine what it's like to have a mobile 3 year old to also chase around. Plus, last week was only the first week that I've really had Eli by myself 24/7 since I could hand him off to my Mom & Grandma during the day.

I totally understand what you mean about the AF life though; lately I find myself getting frustrated/jealous with Brian b/c he has a lot more freedom while TDY (at the very least he can sleep more than a few hours at a time). Like when I'm talking to him on the phone (all while pretty tired from taking care of Eli, unloading, dragging upstairs, and putting away $200 worth of groceries (case lot sale!), yelling at Chili for chewing up every package of baby wipes he could find in the house, etc., etc., you know) and he's telling me to make sure I go to the post office at least once a week to pick up any packages that might be there so they don't get sent back. Yep, no problem, I'll move that right to the top of my "to-do" list. Sometimes I wish I could leave him home by himself for at least a couple of days so he could understand, but then I guess it's also hard for them being away.

Oh, and it made me laugh when you mentioned that AJ was sleeping while Sam was crying; I can lay Eli right next to Brian's head while he's in a full out scream and Brian will sleep right through it. I don't understand it.

Well, time to feed Eli (again!). Hope your week gets better!