
Thursday, June 25, 2009

Kayaking in Lake Houston (in May)

This is from our trip home to Houston in May. On Memorial Day we took the double kayak that AJ's dad built out on Lake Houston. So these are REALLY late, but I keep forgetting to put them on here. Whoops!

This is Kara and Chris, who took the first turn out in the kayak...they tipped it over! It was hilarious watching them try to get back in, and across the lake...they never did get back in the boat, and unfortunately the video of them walking it across the lake, while very funny, is also too long to post here. You'll have to content yourselves with a picture.

Or two!
AJ went out with Kara holding Josh...
and with Chris holding Josh...
Josh in his life vest

A video of AJ rowing with Josh and Kara...and nearly tipping over!!

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